Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 468 Dad pays for her old debt!

Chapter 468 Daddy recovers her old debt for her!

But no matter how worried they are, they still have to see this side.

Even if the fairy father of the daughter-in-law wants to use some big tricks to deal with them, they can only accept it obediently, who told them to do it by themselves before.

Now it doesn't take 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, the daughter-in-law of his family only took a month or two, and she has turned over and become domineering!

It's time and fate!
How could they have thought that there would be today?

If they imagined that there would be today, they certainly would not have prevented their daughter-in-law from being with their son.

President Xiao couldn't help secretly rejoicing that his son didn't back down and insisted on being with her back then, otherwise, this good marriage would have been blown away.

He was also thankful, fortunately, he didn't do too much at the beginning, and there was still some room for things.

But what my wife did was a little too much, and I don't know if the fairy father of my daughter-in-law will let her go?

Alas, let's take a step and look at it.

It's useless to think too much now, everything has already happened.

If it doesn't work, they just obediently admit their mistakes to their daughter-in-law and her fairy father, and express their attitude obediently. From now on, their family will fully support their husband and wife.

Presumably her father wouldn't be so unreasonable, clinging to the past, right?

When the Xiao family was worrying about seeing the lord of the palace tomorrow, and couldn't sleep well, the other Bai family also had a commotion because of a decision made by the ancestor of the Bai family.

At this time, the lobby of the Bai family in the cultivation world was crowded with people sitting or standing, and they were about to hold a meeting that would determine the fate of the entire family.

The patriarch of the Bai family was sitting at the head, and on his forehead was a blue and purple red seal from kowtow. In the eyes of all the disciples of the Bai family, he seemed particularly incredible and shocked.

Even the ancestor of the Bai family, who has always been the most powerful in their family, has to kowtow to the Lord Hall Master to confess his sins, so what about them?What should they do?
Just as everyone was making noise and guessing non-stop, the Patriarch of the Bai family waved his big hand, "Quiet!"

The entire lobby was instantly awe-inspiring.

There are more than [-] people in the Bai family, old and young, and even the more important children of the secular world have been sent back.

Among them were Bai Zhengfeng and his wife from Haicheng.

When the ancestor of the Bai family explained all the grievances and grievances between the Bai family and Si Kouyao clearly, he also specifically stated that if the members of the Bai family do not want to be suppressed and return to ordinary people, they can only admit their mistakes to the lord and the eldest lady. Well, when they were sold as slaves in the Sikou Palace, Bai Zhengfeng and Kong Man looked at each other, and they both felt that their hearts were going to be completely chilled.

The Shen Qingcong whom they looked down upon and who was kicked out of the Bai family by them turned out to be Si Kouyao, the biological daughter of the Palace Master! ! !
This cruel fact really slapped them hard.

Bai Zhengfeng had known from Bai Xingfeng before that Shen Qingcong had an extraordinary background and wanted Bai Xiangyang to be an undercover agent. As a result, Bai Xiangyang and Bai Jing went to Delta, but because of Bai Jing's ambition and carelessness, they did not succeed. die.

But he never expected that Shen Qingcong's extraordinary background would reach such a shocking and frightening level.

Do they really want all the members of the Bai family to become her slaves?
If this is the case, they might as well be dead!
What a shame! ! !
 PS: The new book No.1 has been blown up again!Dear friends who have a monthly pass, please help! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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