Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 484 Can't Resist Her Sweet Talk

Chapter 484 Can't Resist Her Sweet Talk
Si Kouyao thought that she didn't know how long she had been in here, so she hurriedly asked Xiao Baiyan, "Xiao Yanyan, what's the date outside now?"

Xiao Baiyan replied, "September 29th, twelve o'clock in the morning."

Si Kouyao patted herself on the head, "I'm dizzy, today is Li Shoufu's birthday! The day after tomorrow is the opening day of Jueweifang, Li Shoufu is probably going to be in a hurry now, no, I have to go out immediately. Xiao Baiyan , you help me prepare a batch of raw materials, the Hong Kong government’s Jueweifang will open the day after tomorrow, and I actually forgot to give them the raw materials.”

Xiao Baiyan waved her hand, "I prepared it for you a long time ago, you can see for yourself, the warehouse and the storage ring are full of raw materials, you can use as much as you want!"

Si Kouyao kissed Xiao Bai Yan forcefully again, and praised him vigorously, "Little Yanyan, you are amazing! Thank you for helping me so much!"

Xiao Baiyan said shyly, "Host, I should have done this."

Si Kou Yao waved at Little Bai Yan and Little Ferret, "Then I'll go out and do some work first, and I'll come in to see you when I'm done, okay~"

After finishing speaking, she didn't care about their reaction, so she just stepped out of the space.

As soon as Si Kouyao came out of the space, she was about to find her father, the master of the hall, when she saw her father, the master of the hall, appearing in front of her in an instant.

Si Kouyao rushed towards him with joy, "Father, you are here, and I was going to find you!"

The father of the hall master hugged her affectionately, kissed her forehead, and asked with a slight smile, "What do you want to do with father?"

Si Kouyao smiled flatteringly and said to him, "Father, I'm going to the Hong Kong government. Tonight is the birthday party of the richest man Li, and the day after tomorrow is the opening ceremony of the Juewei Fang in the Hong Kong government. The raw materials here are still there." If I didn’t send them there, the richest man Li and the rest would be dying of anxiety.”

The master of the hall frowned dissatisfiedly, "You can tidy up your things and send someone to send them over. Why do you have to go by yourself? You have to do everything yourself, so what are the people down here doing?" ?”

Si Kou Yao smiled and said, "Father, I haven't been to the Hong Kong government yet, you just give me a chance to go and have a look, it's an eye-opener! Okay?"

Lord Hall Master kept his face sombre on purpose and did not speak...

Si Kouyao continued to hold his arm and shook it again, "Father, please, just let me out of the mountain! I will never forget to practice. Look, I have entered the middle stage of foundation establishment. Alright, am I great?"

Seeing her daughter's petite and petite appearance, the Palace Master fell in love with her heart.

"Father, I know you are the best. You love your daughter the most. You will definitely not let her down, will you? Isn't it? Isn't it?"

Under the attack of his daughter's sweet words, the Lord Master, who has always been very persistent, couldn't hold on this time, so he could only surrender to his precious daughter, "Okay, okay, I will let you go down the mountain as a father, but you have to bring someone .”

Si Kou Yao blinked, "Who are you taking?"

The master of the palace stretched out his hand and patted it lightly.

Si Kouyao saw an equally indescribably handsome man in ancient costume walking in.

He was wearing a white robe embroidered with blue borders, and an ancient sword was pinned to the wide jade belt. His long black hair was tied up with a white jade crown, my God!With his classical temperament, he is too similar to her father, the palace master!

Si Kou Yao's eyes widened, and after looking him up and down, she looked at her father, the palace master, and asked eagerly, "Father, who is this handsome guy? He can't be my brother, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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