Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 486 Big Brother?Xiaofengfeng's rival in love?

Chapter 486 Big Brother?Xiaofengfeng's rival in love?
Finally, the lord of the hall asked Si Kouyao to bring the girl Qingran along with her.

Si Kou Yao also agreed.

Her palace lord, father, is always worried about her safety.

He was always afraid that he would not do enough and let her get hurt, so he always wanted to give her all the good things around him, and put all his closest and most trusted people by her side, so that her An extra layer of protection.

It seems that only by doing this can the old man feel relieved.

How could Si Kouyao have the heart to disappoint such a loving and protective father?
So, she will take whatever daddy gives her.

The more she collected, the happier Dad would be.

For her father, she is living well, which is his greatest happiness and joy.

Si Kou Yao asked Qingran to call Prince Dibo and Little Bobby.

As soon as Prince Dibo entered the door with little Bobby in his arms, he saw the lord sitting above him, and obediently saluted, "Dibo has met the lord."

Lord Hall Master nodded to him, "Sit down!"

Prince Dibo sat down with little Bobby in his arms, only to find that there was another handsome and extraordinary man beside him, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, secretly guessing in his heart, who is this man?Could it be Xiaofengfeng's love rival again?

Seeing Prince Dibo looking at Mu Tingyu, Si Kou Yao introduced him, "Dibo, this is my elder brother Mu Tingyu. Elder brother, this is my friend outside, from Dibo country. His Royal Highness Prince."

The two men nodded to each other and said politely, "Hello!"

Si Kouyao was anxious to go out, so she asked Prince Dibo directly, "Dibo, my senior brother and I are going to the Hong Kong government to attend the birthday dinner of the richest man Li, and by the way, also attend the opening ceremony of Hong Kong's Jueweifang on October [-]st. Does Bobby want to go together?"

Prince Dibo didn't want to stay in Xianshan for a long time, he immediately said excitedly, "Yes! Yes! Yes! I will go down the mountain with you, and I will go to the Hong Kong government. "

After this trip to Xianshan, Prince Dibo also figured it out.

He is not the material for cultivation at all, he can't live the lonely, empty and cold life of cultivation, he still prefers the carefree life of being in the world of mortals and soaking up beautiful women with fine wine.

Naturally, Si Kouyao would not force him, and immediately nodded with a smile, "Okay, let's go together!"

With Prince Dibo staring at Jueweifang in Dibo Kingdom outside, Si Kou Yao was actually more at ease.

Little Bobby really likes to cling to her.

When I saw her just now, my eyes were bright, I opened my arms towards her, and called softly, "Pretty auntie, I want to hug, hug..."

Si Kouyao had no resistance to this cute little baby at all. When she saw the cute cuddly look, she quickly hugged him and asked him kindly, "Little Bobby, can you see Auntie now?" ?"

Little Bobby nodded vigorously, stretched out his hands to hold Si Kou Yao's face, kissed her carefully, and then said crisply, "Auntie is pretty, the prettiest..."

Si Kouyao was amused by him, "Really? Does little Bobby like Auntie?"

Little Bobby nodded immediately, "I like Auntie, I like Auntie very much, I like Auntie the most..."

Seeing that little Bobby liked Si Kou Yao so much, Prince Dibo said with a little taste, "Before, when he woke up from sleep, opened his eyes, and saw the light, he would look left and right to find you. , I, the big man standing in front of him, his dearest uncle, as if he couldn't see me, I'm so mad!"

(End of this chapter)

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