Chapter 489
Yan Ting raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly, "Really?"

Si Kou Yao replied affirmatively, "Really!"

Yan Ting laughed loudly and said, "That's great! I'll tell the richest man the good news right now. I believe he will be very happy to hear it! Sister-in-law, I wish you all the best!"

"Thank you!"

Si Kou Yao hung up the phone and let out a long breath.

And the richest man Li, who received Yan Ting's return call, hung up the phone and said excitedly to his family, "Go! Come out with me to welcome the distinguished guests."

For Li's richest man's birthday dinner today, he only invited some close relatives and friends.

For the two distinguished guests Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao, the richest man Li has been looking forward to and looking forward to.

What he is most afraid of is that they will not give him face, and no one will come to celebrate his birthday.

Fortunately, Si Kouyao did not disappoint him, and finally came.

The richest man Li breathed a sigh of relief.

Just come!Just come!

Among the guests who came to Li's house as a guest, Ye Cunxi, the governor of the Hong Kong government, was also one of them.

Ye Cunxi knew that Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao might come from Li's richest man early in the morning, so he took the time to come to Li's house early to wait for others.

At this moment, as soon as he saw the richest man Li leading his family towards the gate, he knew that Si Kouyao must have arrived.

He also stood up immediately, and hurriedly walked out behind Richest Li and the others, preparing to welcome Si Kouyao with Richest Li.

As for the other guests, when they saw the richest man Li and Mrs. Ye going out together, they all became curious. What kind of guests came that made the richest man Li and Mrs. Ye so nervous?
With this curiosity, almost all the guests in the hall followed him out.

As soon as they went out, they saw a scene they would never forget.

They came out in a hurry, and just stood still at the gate when they heard the sound of "Dang Dang Dang" bells in the sky.

Everyone instinctively looked up at the sky.

In the vast and boundless sky, a luxurious and majestic flying car floated quickly, and the shining silver curtains swayed as it flew, making it look particularly gorgeous and dazzling.

In their shocked and dull eyes, this special and memorable air speed car slowly landed in front of them.

The car door opened, and the first person to come out was a pretty girl in ancient costume—Qingran.

Standing beside the speeding car, she reached out her hand respectfully, "Miss, get off the car!"

At this time, the richest man Li and the head of Fu Ye had already ran up excitedly, and stood beside the speeding car, waiting for Si Kouyao to get off the car with smiles on their faces.

Today's Si Kou Yao is still wearing a lavender purple robe, and she exudes a mysterious, noble, elegant and elegant atmosphere.

Ever since the palace lord's father said that the Ziguang treasure garment was a fairy-level treasure, Si Kouyao never took it off for the safety of himself and the babies.

After she recognizes the owner with a drop of blood, this Ziguang Baoyi can be transformed according to the style she wants, and she can change into whatever she wants to wear, which is extremely convenient.

Moreover, it can automatically adjust the temperature when worn on the body, and it also has the functions of cleaning, gathering spirits, defending, attacking, etc. If you don't wear this precious clothes, you will be a fool.

When Li Shoufu and Ye Fuchang saw Si Kouyao coming down, they both hurried up to greet him, vying to shake hands with Si Kouyao.

The richest man Li said excitedly, "Crown Princess, you are welcome to my humble house, it is so radiant!"

 PS: 11th update, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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