Chapter 493 Restroom Horror 2
Just as she helped Bobby take off his pants to let him pee, Si Kou Yao suddenly felt a sharp pain in her brain.

She instantly felt something was wrong, someone was invading her brain, trying to devour her soul!

Si Kouyao immediately mobilized his mind to resist.

The mental method of "Flower God Record" is very powerful. As soon as it is activated, her mental power is quickly replenished with energy, and she grows stronger, fighting with the opponent's soul power.

Soon, Si Kouyao won the battle, but devoured the mental power of the other party's intrusion.

The other party obviously wanted to kill her, or turn her into an idiot, and then seize her memory, probably trying to get some secret from her.

Si Kouyao is not the Holy Mother, so naturally she will not show mercy to those who want her dead.

I saw her chanting to the air, "Go hit the wall and die!"

This is the second time she has used the Crow's Mouth skill, and you will know how effective it is once you try it.

Sure enough, after a while, Si Kouyao heard the sound of "dong dong dong" violently hitting the wall from the next door to the bathroom.

There was a sneer on her lips.

Hit it!Hit hard!Until it hits you to death!
The sound of hitting the wall over there quickly attracted the attention of those outside.

With the sound of chaotic footsteps, Qiqi ran towards this side.

Then, someone exclaimed loudly, "Oh my God! Someone hit the wall and she was injured! Call an ambulance!"

In order not to scare little Bobby, the noise outside was blocked by Si Kouyao with mental power.

At this time, Xiao Bobi's milky voice sounded again, "Auntie, I'm done peeing!"

Si Kouyao looked at his pretty face like a little angel, and smiled warmly at him, "You've finished peeing, come, auntie washes your hands."

Little Bobby let her hold her, and washed his hands in front of the sink. After washing, he smiled sweetly and said to her, "Thank you, auntie, auntie, Bobby loves you the most."

Si Kouyao felt warm in her heart, and kissed him, "Auntie also loves Bobby."

Little Bobby grinned happily.

When Si Kou Yao walked out, Mu Tingyu and Prince Dibo were anxious.

They saw a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl being carried away on a stretcher outside, but Mu Tingyu and Prince Dibo didn't dare to leave here.

For them, the life and death of others has nothing to do with them, as long as their own people are fine!
Mu Tingyu has been monitoring Si Kouyao and Xiao Bobi with his mental strength. Although he is a big man who is too embarrassed to watch the things in the bathroom, if something happens to Si Kouyao and Xiao Bobi, he will immediately aware.

Si Kouyao's mental power fluctuated before, and Mu Tingyu also noticed it.

But when he found that Si Kouyao recovered quickly, he felt relieved again, and heard her say something like "Go hit the wall and die!" At that time, Mu Tingyu heard it, and thought it was strange, why did the younger sister have no reason? Speaking of this?

When he thought of the girl who was carried out just now, Mu Tingyu's eyes suddenly narrowed dangerously. Could it be that someone did something to the little junior sister just now?

As soon as he saw Si Kou Yao coming out, he asked nervously, "Little Junior Sister, are you alright?"

Seeing the concern and anxiety in his eyes, Si Kouyao knew that the matter inside must not be hidden from the elder brother, so she smiled at him comfortingly, shook her head and said, "I'm fine! It's fine! I'm not a soft persimmon , anyone can pinch it!"

(End of this chapter)

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