Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 533 The Difficult Father of the Palace Master

Chapter 533 The Difficult Father of the Palace Master
When Si Kouyao thought of her difficult father, she also felt a little headache.

What can I do to get her daddy to agree to her going down the mountain?

The Lord Palace Master, who had been secretly watching their movements, saw that the young couple started plotting how to deal with him while talking, and he was so angry that he groaned.

These two heartless little things, I want to see, what good way do you have to make me change my mind now, and let you go down the mountain willingly?
snort!Especially that bad girl who has no conscience, Dad treats you so well, yet you don't want to stay on the mountain to spend more time with Dad, it's really heartless, too heartless...

Lord Palace Master once again felt that his soul had been hurt by ten thousand points.

The heartbroken Master of the Palace withdrew his primordial spirit, and didn't want to hear how they discussed how to deal with him, so he flashed back to his bedroom unhappily, and fell down on the big carved bed, letting go of his thoughts, and didn't want to think about anything .

After an unknown amount of time, someone knocked on his door.

"Father, are you there? Father..."

The master of the hall was in a bad mood and didn't want to care about others. Even if he heard the cry of his precious daughter, he still pretended not to hear it.

He was afraid that once she was let in, she would say something he didn't like to hear again.

Thinking of this, the Palace Master didn't want to see her.

Si Kouyao knocked on the door outside, but she was a little puzzled when she saw no one answered inside.

She clearly sensed that her father was in his bedroom, why did she ignore her?Could it be that her father was angry with her when she said she was going down the mountain?
Thinking of this possibility, Si Kouyao immediately said to the old man inside the door, "Dad, please open the door quickly! Let me tell you, I discussed it with A Chi just now, and we will not go down the mountain for the time being. Both of us will stay on the mountain to accompany you." You old man, don't make other plans until after I give birth, do you think it's okay?"

The Lord Hall Master, who was in a bad mood, immediately jumped up from the bed when he heard Si Kou Yao's words, teleported to Si Kou Yao's face, and asked with surprise, "Yaoer, are you serious?"

Seeing the obvious surprise on her father's face, Si Kou Yao felt a little sour in her heart.

Dad really doesn't want her to go down the mountain, is he reluctant to part with her?
She smiled and nodded vigorously at the master of the hall, "Yes, what I said is true. This is the result of serious discussions between me and A Chi, and it has also been agreed by the president at the foot of the mountain. Let us rest assured Stay on the mountain well, accompany daddy, practice hard, and try to achieve results earlier, so that everyone will be happy."

When the Lord of the Palace heard that she was going to stay on the mountain, his mood immediately improved, and he laughed loudly, "It's good, it's good to stay on the mountain, it's good to stay on the mountain, I have someone to accompany my father..."

Si Kouyao hurriedly struck while the iron was hot, and made a request to her father, "Father, can I ask you something?"

"What's the matter? Tell me!" The Palace Master is in a good mood, and everything is easy to discuss.

Si Kouyao hugged her father's arm, smiled flatteringly and said to him, "Father, you also know that Ah Chi and I are at the foot of the mountain, there are many chores, and sometimes we can't let go completely, or Occasionally I have to go down the mountain to deal with some things, so we would like to ask you, can we build a teleportation array at our home in Kyoto that can go directly to the mountain? In this way, we want to go back and forth between the mountain and our home in Kyoto in the future , is also very convenient and quick, don’t you think?”

(End of this chapter)

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