Chapter 568 This is retribution!
Song Yuanyuan's mind went blank.

Tang Rui said so many things, but she didn't listen to them. She only remembered the sentence he said, "Your sister's action failed!"

Your sister's operation failed!

Your sister's operation failed!

These words kept ringing in her mind.

Song Yuanyuan's face was as white as snow, without any blood color, only feeling cold all over, not even knowing that Tang Rui left after scolding her.

She knew that if her sister's actions failed, she would be doomed too!
The Tang family will definitely drive her out and will not take her in again.

Then, those people...

Song Yuanyuan shuddered violently when he thought of the terrifying methods of those people.

She only now realizes that her sisters are really stupid. They finally got this chance to live. Originally, relying on the Tang family, they can live comfortably for the rest of their lives, but they still want to touch their eggs against rocks. Hehehe, now Well, I really killed myself!
Thinking of the word death, Song Yuanyuan trembled violently.

A strong desire to survive suddenly erupted from her body.

Do not!She doesn't want to die!

She still wants to live!

She can't just wait like this!

Song Yuanyuan hurried back to her room and packed her things.

Just then, her cell phone rang.

Song Yuanyuan's heart tightened, and she suddenly looked at the mobile phone on the table, rushed over, picked it up and looked at the caller ID, and found that the other party was the big boss of the dark world she knew—Brother Hei.

This black brother has a lot of contacts, he should have a way to help her escape from the country, right?
Thinking of this, Song Yuanyuan immediately pressed the answer button, "Hello, who are you?"

Brother Hei on the other end had a sneering sneer on his lips, but his tone seemed very familiar, "Hey, Miss Song, I haven't seen you for a few days, have you forgotten your brother Hei?"

When Song Yuanyuan saw that this brother Hei had declared himself as his family, he couldn't pretend to be a fool anymore, and hurriedly said coquettishly, "Oh, it's Brother Hei, even if I forget someone, I dare not forget you! You Say it?"

Brother Hei at the other end scolded in a low voice "cousin", how noble she used to be, and looked down on us, didn't give face, and thought she was capable?Now that the family has collapsed, the tone of this voice has also become cheap, hehehe...

Brother Hei looked down on this hypocritical and hypocritical woman, but he said nicely, "Ms. Song can still talk. I wonder if Ms. Song is free now? We have a banquet here, and I want to invite Ms. Song to be my female companion." , I wonder if Miss Song will reward you?"

Song Yuanyuan's face was filled with joy, and he said in a coquettish voice, "Since brother Hei is invited, I will naturally save face. I don't know where the banquet will be held?"

Brother Hei grinned and said, "It's at my Dark Fragrance Club, how about I send a car to pick you up?"

Song Yuanyuan smiled coquettishly, "Then there's Brother Laohei, I'm here at Mansion No. 50, XX Avenue. Brother Hei, see you later."

Seeing that a little vixen was about to enter the suit, Brother Hei also smiled happily, "Okay, see you later!"

Song Yuanyuan played with Brother Hei and his gang for more than a month.

Brother Hei got tired of playing, and finally agreed to use his relationship on the road to secretly send her abroad.

Half a year later, Song Yuanyuan contracted a serious disease in country M and died.

What happened to Song Yuanyuan, Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao really didn't make a move.

When the two sisters went to the underworld to accept the trial of Lord Yan, they found out that it was because the sisters had committed too many evils in their lifetime. The girls who offended them at the beginning did not end well, so they also did not end well, even if they died. If you don't, you will fall into the cycle of animal life.

This is their retribution!

(End of this chapter)

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