Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 590 The Great Luck Against the Sky

Chapter 590 The Great Luck Against the Sky
President of country M: "Send someone to check immediately, what happened there? Will it pose a security threat to our citizens?"

President Xia Guo was also instructing the special operations team, "You guys immediately form a team and go out to check, will this wave of tsunami hit our country?"

Countries such as Australia, the Philippines, the Sun Country, and the Huatian Empire have also sent special personnel to investigate.

From the satellite monitoring, Xiao Baiyan heard that the operational departments of each country began to send manpower over to check. He hurriedly said to Si Kouyao, "Master, the vibration caused here is too great, we have to evacuate quickly!"

Si Kouyao got the Qiankun Ding, the major event has been completed, and she is very happy.

Hearing Xiao Baiyan's words, she immediately waved her hand, "Get out! Get out quickly!"

Make a fortune in silence, this is the truth.

It's no fun if you get caught.

Si Kouyao was also afraid that there would be experts here like her who were still hiding, and were planning to come up with a plan of "mantis catching cicadas, and oriole behind", so she didn't dare to let the snake come out again, and instead let Using the power of the system, Xiao Baiyan quickly evacuated from this sea area, turned around, and rushed back towards the delta.

Si Kouyao really didn't know that it was her care and prudence that saved her from a bloody disaster.

At this time, she was caressing the Qiankun cauldron lying quietly in her space with her front hand, laughing happily.

This is an innate spirit treasure, an innate spirit treasure that only saints are qualified to obtain!

She actually made Qian Kun Ding recognize the owner!

What kind of luck did she have?Hahahahahaha...

This trip was really, really cool!
Even if the palace lord's father knew the good news, he would surely be happy for her, right?

Back at Qinglong Lake in the delta, Si Kouyao asked Lao Jiao again, "Old Jiao, would you like to stay in this Qinglong Lake? Or would you like to stay in my space?"

Now Si Kouyao's system space has been expanded again because of her improvement in cultivation, and it is already as big as a county town.

The lotus lake she opened up before is now tens of acres in size.

There is plenty of spiritual energy here, and it is definitely better for Lao Jiao to practice in Qinglong Lake than in Qinglong Lake.

Old Jiao naturally understood this truth, and immediately smiled at Si Kou Yao, "Master, can I stay here?"

Si Kou Yao nodded, "Of course. There are many spirit beasts here, and you can also find some friends to play with."

The old Jiao happily bowed to Si Kou Yao, "Thank you, master."

Si Kou Yao smiled and waved her hands, "You're welcome, you can just stay here with peace of mind."

"Okay, master, then if you have something to say, I will help."

"it is good."

Seeing that Lao Jiao found a nest and settled down in the space.

Si Kouyao thought, she had to tell Yan Ting and the others about Lao Jiao's move, so as not to worry them.

Si Kouyao remained invisible until she reached Qinglong Villa's home, and then she withdrew the invisibility talisman to reveal herself.

As soon as she came out, the phone rang.

She took out her mobile phone and saw that it was Yan Ting calling, so she quickly answered, "Hey, Big Brother Yan..."

She just yelled when Yan Ting's voice rang out on the phone, "Oh, my little ancestor, where are you now? Didn't you say you came to Delta? Why haven't you been there for a long time?" Where is it? Boss can't contact you, this is going to be crazy!"

(End of this chapter)

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