Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 607 The Hall Master's Plan to Turn Around

Chapter 607 The Hall Master's Plan to Turn Around

But even though he is tied up here in such a state of embarrassment, he still has an astonishing and peerless demeanor as before. It is no wonder that Princess Si Luo has been obsessed with him for so many years, and she is unwilling to let him go even if she dies.

"Ah Yu..."

Si Kou Yu, who kept his eyes closed, opened his eyes slowly when he heard Leng Qingjue's call, and smiled at him, "Ah Jue, you are here!"

His warm smile made Leng Qingjue feel a pain in his heart.

No matter what the environment is, Si Kou Yu is always so calm as before, and he can always make people feel the warmth he gives, making people feel inexplicably peaceful in their hearts.

Leng Qingjue looked at him worriedly and asked, "Ayu, are you okay?"

Si Kou Yu glanced at Princess Si Luo standing behind Leng Qingjue, smiled, and said nothing.

Leng Qingjue immediately turned to Princess Siluo and said, "Siluo, you go out first, let me and Ayu have a few words alone."

Princess Si Luo took a deep look at him, and smiled softly, "Big cousin, you have to remember what I just said! Let's do our own thing!"

After speaking, she turned and walked out.

As long as Si Kouyao and the woman from the ghost world are still there, she is not afraid that they will cause some disturbances.

Leng Qingjue saw Princess Si Luo walking out, so she said softly to Si Kou Yu, "Ayu, Yao'er is very worried about you, and she has been asking for your news every day."

Thinking of his precious daughter's worry about him, Si Kou Yu's heart ached instantly, and even his eyes were a little sad, "Ah Jue, I just want a little happiness, why is it so difficult?"

Leng Qing never knew how to answer.

After being silent for a while, he began to persuade him, "Ayu, no matter what kind of suffering, it will pass. You have lived for so many years, have you survived all the same? Now that you have tasted happiness, this little thing in front of you Could it be that you can't even bear this little tribulation?"

Si Kouyu smiled miserably, "No, I can bear it. If it's just me, even if I die immediately, I won't complain. I just feel sorry for my Yao'er and Yan'er..."

Leng Qingjue sighed softly, "It's for them that you should persevere and keep the green hills alive, so you don't have to worry about running out of firewood. Do you want me to teach you this truth?"

Si Kou Yu smiled, "I know, I understand, but sometimes, I really want to kill those who block my happiness!"

Leng Qingjue said in a deep voice, "I understand your feelings, Ayu, have you heard a sentence? Take a step back, the sea and the sky are brighter!"

"Take a step back, sea and sky?"

Si Kou Yu was shocked, and suddenly raised his eyes to look at Leng Qingjue, "You mean..."

Leng Qingjue stretched out his finger, put it on his lips, and made a gesture that he said individually.

Then, he said meaningfully to Si Kou Yu, "Ayu, you are so smart, you should understand my words. Only by getting out of this dungeon can you have hope!"

Si Kou Yu nodded at him, "I understand! I know what to do, Ah Jue, please go and call Princess Si Luo in, I have something to say to her."

Leng Qingjue's always calm face raised a smile at this moment, "It's good that you understand, I'll go and call her in right away. Oh, yes, I promised Yao'er that you will summon her tomorrow, if you go out Now, just contact her as soon as possible, I think this child is going to be in a hurry."

Si Kou Yu looked at him gratefully, "Ah Jue, thank you for taking care of her for me so hard."

(End of this chapter)

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