Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 609 The Hall Master’s Plan to Turn Around 3

Chapter 609 The Hall Master’s Plan to Turn Around 3
Princess Si Luo finally released Si Kou Yu from the dungeon, and graciously welcomed him into the other courtyard of the fairy palace, let him live in the most luxurious master bedroom, and sent someone to wait on him day and night, and of course, by the way, also monitored his every move move.

Si Kouyao, who was in the lower realm, finally received a holographic message from her father after a long tormented wait.

The father in the transparent light curtain seemed haggard and tired, but his smile was as warm as ever, making Si Kou Yao so excited that he whimpered, "Dad..."

The master of the hall looked at his precious daughter distressedly, and coaxed her softly, "Yao'er, dad is fine, don't worry, it's just that something happened to dad, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back for a while, you have to remember What Dad told you before, in order to survive the catastrophe in the future, you must cultivate hard! I repeat, you must cultivate hard! You must improve your cultivation level as soon as possible, and Ah Chi, you must also supervise Him, do you know?"

Si Kouyao heard the solemnity in her father's words, and she immediately asked vigilantly, "Father, where are you now? Did something happen?"

The master of the hall thought for a while, and said to her, "Father is still here in the fairy world, and he has encountered some things, but his life will not be in danger, but he cannot go to your mother for the time being."

The master of the palace said it cryptically, but Si Kouyao saw a flash of resentment in her father's eyes, as well as the regret and helplessness of not being able to find her mother.

She knew that something big must have happened to her father.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have stayed in the Immortal Realm instead of looking for his mother.

Moreover, he has solemnly told her again and again to cultivate hard, to cultivate hard. Could it be that the old man is afraid that they will encounter some danger in the lower realm?That's why he told her again and again?
In order to reassure her father, Si Kouyao also nodded earnestly, "Dad, don't worry! Ah Chi and I will work hard and practice hard, so don't worry about us, we will be fine, please don't worry." Take care of yourself! We will wait for you and mother to come back here!"

The master of the hall smiled, and didn't dare to say any more, "Okay! That's it, Dad will send you a summons when he has time, don't worry!"

Si Kou Yao responded with a choked voice, "I understand, Dad, you must take care!"

The Lord of the Palace also nodded at her with a smile, "I will take care of you, and you should take care of yourself and take care of the children. Goodbye, Yao'er!"

Si Kouyao nodded vigorously, and then hurriedly added a few words, "Father, remember to send a message every two days, even if it's a text message, let me know you're okay, okay?"

The eyes of the master of the palace were slightly red, but he still responded with a smile, "Okay, I understand. Yaoer, goodbye!"

This time, he was afraid that Si Kouyao would have to say something that would make him burst into tears, so he hurriedly finished speaking and stopped the summons.

Feeling lost, Si Kou Yao murmured to the air where the light curtain had disappeared, "Father, goodbye!"

Si Kou Yao has been worried about her father, the palace master.

Fortunately, in the next few days, the palace master's father would send her a text message "I'm fine, don't read it" every day to make her feel at ease.

He also has weekly holograms with her so she can see him well.

Gradually, Si Kou Yao also began to feel relieved.

She also followed her father's instructions every day, handling various tasks during the day, and entering the system space with Xiao Chifeng and the four babies at night to concentrate on cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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