Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 611 First Stop to Shen Qing's Orc Planet

Chapter 611 The First Stop to Shen Qing's Orc Planet

Grandma Xiao patted his arm, and said reproachfully, "Look at what you old man said, we old people with old arms and legs, what can we do to help them when we go? Don't they just drag their hind legs! I see you, It's better to stay at home obediently, don't think about it, and want to sneak around..."

Mr. Xiao said with an unhappy face, "It is precisely because we have old arms and legs, and we don't have many years to live, so we have to go out for a while, take a walk, and see the thousands of worlds. , Is there any scenery that we haven't seen. Ah Chi, Yaoyao, tell me, am I right?"

Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao looked at each other, and said in a deep voice, "Grandpa is right, grandma, if you want to go too, then come with grandpa and us!"

Grandma Xiao's eyes lit up, "Can we really go?"

In fact, she is the same as Mr. Xiao, she wants to go out and take a look, but she is afraid that the two of them are not capable and will drag them down, so she uses Mr. Xiao to train them, thinking that it is best not to drag them down , It’s better to stay at home obediently.

But now A Chi said that he could take them there, so her old man's heart was moved.

Mr. Xiao laughed loudly and said, "Look, look, my grandson and grandson-in-law are filial, willing to take us with us wherever we go, hahahahaha..."

Grandma Xiao glared at him angrily, "Look at how frightened you are."

President Xiao and Mrs. Xiao looked envious, "We also want to go, but unfortunately, we are still entangled in mundane affairs, so we can't leave!"

Xiao Chifeng looked at President Xiao with some guilt and said, "Dad, it's my son's fault. I can't take over your class, which makes you tired!"

President Xiao waved his hand and said with a smile, "I'm still young, and my body is being conditioned by the panacea given by Yaoyao. Even compared to young people, I'm stronger. Look, even if I can do it Retiring at the old man's age is definitely not a problem, you can go wherever you want now, as long as you all come back safely."

Xiao Chifeng looked at President Xiao gratefully and said, "Thank you dad and mom for your support. We will definitely return safely."

President Xiao asked again, "Where are you going this time?"

Xiao Chifeng glanced at Si Kouyao.

Seeing that Si Kou Yao nodded, he said, "This time we plan to go to the Orc Planet first, then the Immortal Cultivation Planet, and then we may go to the Science and Technology Planet..."

The planets in the current plan are all planets that Si Kou Yao often trades on the plane. If there are acquaintances there, whether it is traveling or exercising, it will be better if someone guides the way!

The four elders of the Xiao family never expected that the answer given by Xiao Chifeng was this.

They are all stupid!
They originally thought that the family would just go around the country or abroad, but they didn't expect, good guy, they were going to travel across the planet.

Mr. Xiao was even more excited and excited, he laughed and said, "That's great! It's really great! My old man has never thought that there will be a day when he will go out of the earth in this life! If you say this, Don't be envious of those old ghosts!"

Grandma Xiao thumped his hand violently, "Damn old man, don't be confused! You can tell others about this! Aren't you afraid that others will trouble our family?"

(End of this chapter)

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