Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 613 The Tough Queen Shen Qing

Chapter 613 The Tough Queen Shen Qing

When Si Kouyao thought that she would see Shen Qing soon, she was very happy, very excited, and very excited.

In the past eight years of close contact, Si Kouyao and Shen Qing have long been in love with sisters.

They have always been eager to meet each other, hoping to sit down and chat with each other.

After so many years, their wish has finally come true.

Si Kou Yao was naturally very happy.

She believed that Shen Qing would also be very happy seeing her.

The space-time travel vehicle they are riding on is actually a high-grade fairy weapon rebuilt from Si Kou Yao's flying car.

The Qiankun Ding is really worthy of being a congenital spiritual treasure. It re-refines the quality of the flying car, completely improves it by several levels, and becomes a high-grade fairy artifact that even the Daluo Jinxian in the fairy world would be greedy for.

When Si Kouyao asked Leng Qingjue for the space-time car before, she asked by the way, can the high-grade fairy-level sky car be used?

Leng Qingjue gave an affirmative answer, "Of course it works!"

Si Kouyao didn't ask Leng Qingjue for a space-time vehicle dedicated to the Space-Time Administration, but directly used her air vehicle to carry people.

However, even if she has now increased the speed of the flying car to extreme speed, they still sat for a whole day and night before finally traveling through time and space and arriving at the orc plane according to the designated coordinates of the plane system.

Si Kou Yao contacted Shen Qing as soon as she arrived at the beastman plane.

"Queen Qing, we have reached the orc plane, where is your location? Hurry up and send me the coordinates."

Ever since Shen Qing knew that Si Kou Yao and the others were coming to find her, she had been very excited and had been waiting for Si Kou Yao's news.

Now, as soon as she received Si Kouyao's message, she immediately sent her her coordinates through the plane system.

"Be careful on the road, I'll wait for you!"

Si Kou Yao replied, "We'll be there soon, my Queen Qing, prepare some good wine, we'll get drunk when the time comes! Hahaha..."

Shen Qing replied with a big smile, "Okay, we'll get drunk!"

With clear coordinates and positioning, it is very fast to find someone.

Five minutes later, the flying car driven by Si Kou Yao appeared above the tribe where Shen Qing was.

Looking at the beautiful scenery around, and looking at the tribes below, which are all modern villas, there are huge walls that are stronger than the Great Wall, which looks very majestic and imposing.

On the top of the huge city gate, there are two vigorous and powerful characters - the capital!

Si Kouyao praised her, as expected of Queen Qing, this handwriting is just different.

Si Kou Yao's gorgeous flying car also attracted the attention of the guards.

They immediately issued a warning to Si Kou Yao, "Who is coming? Please report your name!"

Si Kou Yao raised her voice and replied, "I am Si Kou Yao, a guest of your lord queen, and I came here specially to see you."

As soon as the city defenders heard Si Kouyao's name, they immediately remembered Her Lady Queen's explanation, and immediately said respectfully, "Please wait a moment, my lord, I will send a letter to Your Lady Queen right away."

Not long after, Si Kou Yao saw an equally gorgeous red hovering car galloping towards them.

When it floated in front of them, the hovering vehicle stopped.

Si Kouyao and the others raised their eyes and looked over.

The door of the flying car was opened upwards, and a beautiful woman with a charming and exquisite figure in a cool red leather jacket and black leather pants appeared in front of them with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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