Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 618 I want you to look good at night

Chapter 618 I want you to look good at night
Facing Long Xiao's fierce eyes full of wanting you to look good at night, Shen Qing hastily smiled at him flatteringly.

Damn it, why didn't she keep her mouth shut all of a sudden, so she slipped the message.

According to this Tyrannosaurus rex's jealous nature, I am afraid that tonight, he will find a way to "clean up" her again.

Every time she mentioned the matter of three husbands and four servants to the twelve palaces, he would toss her so much that she couldn't get out of bed for a few days.

He also said sharply that he was proving that he alone was capable of satisfying her, and he didn't need three husbands and four servants to serve her.

If she doesn't believe it, or disagrees with him, he can continue to prove it to her until she is convinced.

Every time she thinks of her man's super powerful sexual ability, Shen Qing can only bow her head to him and beg him to let him go.

When Si Kouyao saw Long Xiao turned around and gave Shen Qing a fierce look, Shen Qing looked scared, couldn't help laughing, and asked her in a low voice, "Sister Qing, aren't you the queen? Afraid of your Tyrannosaurus Rex?"

Shen Qing secretly said to her, "When my family is jealous, he likes to toss people on the bed. His ability is super strong, and every time he tosses me for a few days, I can't get out of bed. So, what I'm most afraid of is that he will be jealous. ..."

Si Kouyao chuckled, "Hahaha, he must have heard what you said to me just now about three husbands, four servants and twelve palaces. It seems that you are happy again tonight..."

Shen Qing reached out and pinched her lightly, and said angrily, "I'm so worried, but you're still laughing, that's too bad!"

Si Kou Yao hurriedly raised her hands in surrender, and said with a smile, "I'm happy for you! Do you know how many men's abilities have degraded under the pollution in modern times? Don't talk about finding a seven-time man for one night in modern times. Even if you want to find a man who works three times a night, it will be more difficult than winning the 500 million grand prize, and you said that you can find such a powerful dragon clan, this is no more gratifying than winning the grand prize!"

Long Xiao, who was walking in front, heard Si Kouyao's words, and couldn't help secretly giving her a thumbs up, Madam, this best friend is really nice!very good!Give more gifts when you turn back!
Afterwards, he heard his wife say, "Yes! I am very glad to have found him, to be with him, and to live happily ever after."

Long Xiao instantly felt his mood rise.

A group of people walked to the Martial Arts Field, and looked at the incomparably huge Martial Arts Field, feeling a burst of emotion again.

"so big!"

"This place is several times bigger than our National Stadium in Kyoto!"

"Yeah! It's really big!"

Hearing their exclamation, Shen Qing smiled and explained, "The orcs here are usually in human form, and when they fight, they often turn into real bodies to fight. Therefore, the martial arts field here must not only be large, but also It is strong, otherwise, it will be destroyed by them in three or two strokes."

At this time, there were still a group of orcs training in the martial arts arena.

When they saw Her Lady Queen bringing a group of guests over, they all stopped their movements and knelt down towards Shen Qing, "See Your Lady Queen!"

Shen Qing waved at them, "Go down first!"


The orcs trained in the martial arts field receded like a tide in an instant.

Long Xiao and Xiao Chifeng flew to the middle of the martial arts field together.

Long Xiao casually set up a transparent protective barrier, protecting the entire martial arts arena.

This transparent protective barrier not only allows them to clearly see the battle between him and Xiao Chifeng, but also protects them from the impact of the fighting energy.

(End of this chapter)

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