Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 621 The Charismatic Queen Shen Qing

Chapter 621 The Charismatic Queen Shen Qing

The group returned to Queen Shen Qing's palace talking and laughing again.

Shen Qing drove the big men and children who had been fighting with them to wash them up, and then returned to the Imperial Dining Hall for dinner.

When they came back, two large round tables had already been set up in the Imperial Dining Hall.

This big round table was also customized by Shen Qing according to the modern turntable round table, it is very big, more than enough to seat twelve people.

Now the two big round tables are filled with steaming food from other worlds, emitting bursts of enticing rich aromas, making mouth watering.

Si Kouyao stepped forward to take a look, and exaggeratedly sucked in her saliva, "Wow, there are so many delicious foods! We are all lucky today."

She then said to the group of older children and babies, "Children, we adults are at the same table, and you children are at the same table. Tianling, you are in charge of arranging for the children, and then take care of the little ones with Zhiyuan, Xihe, and Tiantian." of them."

When Ye Tianling and the others heard the master's roll call, they all obediently responded, "Yes, master."

Although Si Kouyao and the others have eaten these spirit beast meat in the beastman world countless times, the atmosphere is different today, and the method is also different from theirs, and it tastes special.

Shen Qing said with a smile to Si Kou Yao, "The wine here is also brewed according to modern technology, try it, is it okay?"

Si Kou Yao took a sip, then smiled honestly, "Well, if you don't have the best spirit wine, your wine is very good, come on, try my top spirit wine, even if you drink too much, not only will you It hurts the body, but it’s also good for the body."

After Si Kouyao finished speaking, she took out several large boxes of top-grade spirit wine from the space, and asked Qingran to fill them up for everyone.

When everyone's cups were full, Si Kou Yao stood up holding the cups, "Come on, everyone is happy today, let's drink a little, let's get drunk!"

Everyone also stood up, including the children at the table. They all raised their wine glasses and drank them all.

Shen Qing took a sip of the wine, first sipped it lightly, felt the smoothness and sweetness of the top-quality spirit wine, and then felt hot all over.

She exclaimed, "Wow, this spirit wine is so delicious!"

Then he looked at Si Kouyao with reproach and said, "Yaoyao, you are not authentic, you have such a good spiritual wine, and you don't even share it with your sister?"

Si Kou Yao giggled and said, "This top-notch spirit wine doesn't have a lot of weight, and I'm not willing to sell it. I keep it for myself to drink."

Shen Qing nodded, "Understood."

She is a long-term customer of Si Kou Yao's Dimension Shop, and she also bought a lot of red wine and spirit wine in Si Kou Yao's store before, but the quality of those spirit wines is inferior to this top-quality spirit wine.

Si Kouyao smiled wittily, "I'll leave you another [-] boxes later, you can drink slowly."

Shen Qing's eyes lit up, and she picked up the wine glass to touch her, "Then I won't be polite, thank you."

Si Kou Yao smiled and said, "They are all sisters, so thank you!"

The atmosphere of this meal is very good, Shen Qing is a very attractive woman.

Her hearty smile, crisp style, and generous way of doing things made everyone from the elderly like Mr. Xiao, Mrs. Xiao, and Shen Rui, down to the four little ones, fall in love with her.

Everyone drank happily and chatted enthusiastically.

In the end, they were all staggered and drunk.

Even those little guys were all drunk and turned into little drunk cats.

One by one blinked their big misty eyes, talking nonsense, so cute that their faces were covered with blood.

(End of this chapter)

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