Chapter 627
Just when she was so angry that she wanted to spank his little butt, Long Xiao had already jumped up.

Seeing Xiao Xiaolong crying with tears streaming down his face, he frowned his thick eyebrows in dissatisfaction, and asked Shen Qing softly, "What's wrong with him?"

Shen Qing replied angrily, "He sees that everyone has gone down, and he wants to go down to play after making a fuss!"

Long Xiao stared at Xiao Xiaolong with cold eyes, "Xiaolong, you don't listen to Mommy again?"

Facing the serious father Long, Xiao Xiaolong shrinks his neck a bit, but still bites the bullet and wants to fight for his own interests, "Big brother, little brother, and little sisters are all going down, Dad, I'm going down to fight beasts too, Dad , I can do it! I can definitely do it!"

Long Xiao's handsome face was cold and solemn, and his voice carried a hint of warning, "Xiaolong, there are so many beasts down here, what if you are injured by the beasts, what should you do?"

Xiao Xiaolong's pink and tender face was full of seriousness and sternness, and he expressed his determination to go down with his milky voice, "Xiaolong is not afraid! Xiaolong is very powerful! Xiaolong still has his father to protect him!"

When Shen Qing heard his last sentence, she almost laughed out loud.

This little ghost, it seems that he is sure that his father will protect him, right?

When Long Xiao heard this, a smile also flashed across his eyes.

But his face became more serious, and he snorted coldly at his son, "If you want to go down and fight, you want to be a warrior. A warrior is to protect others, not rely on others to protect him. Do you understand?"

Xiao Xiaolong blinked his big eyes, nodded his head cutely and replied, "Oh! Dad, I understand! Take me down quickly!"

"Okay! Daddy will take you down. If you get hurt in a while, don't cry!"

"I don't cry! Don't cry! Don't cry!"

Long Xiao opened his hand and took Xiao Xiaolong from Shen Qing's arms.

Shen Qing looked at him worriedly and asked, "Ah Xiao, do you really want to take him down? What if he gets injured?"

Long Xiao glanced at her and said softly, "I won't let him get hurt! Don't worry!"

After finishing speaking, Long Xiao jumped down holding Xiao Xiaolong, directly entered their battle circle, and put Xiao Xiaolong on the ground.

With a look of excitement on his face, Xiao Xiaolong took out the wind gun that his father had given him before, caught a relatively thin beast, and killed it directly.

"Little beast, die!"

Looking at his son's fierce appearance, Long Xiao smiled.

In fact, he has long wanted to take the little guy out to practice, but Shen Qing has not allowed it, because she is afraid that what if her baby Long'er gets hurt?
This time, everyone was fighting here, and she had nothing to say.

If it wasn't for Mr. Xiao, Mrs. Xiao, and Lin Xia to watch over the flying car, she might jump off without hesitation to protect her baby Long'er.

The little dragon is indeed a dragon species. Although it is only three years old, it is a dragon with a strong physique, and fighting is their instinct.

After this fight, the little beast was really killed by him in two or three hits.

Xiao Xiaolong looked at the little beasts lying on the ground, and looked at his father Long begging for praise, "Dad, Dad, look, I killed it, Dad, is Xiaolong fierce?"

Long Xiao gave him a thumbs up, and said to him, "Go on! Let Dad see how many beasts Xiao Long'er can kill? Go back and let your mommy reward you!"

Xiao Xiaolong's eyes were full of excitement, and he asked innocently, "Father, is what you said true?"


"Then I'm going to sleep with Mommy tonight!"

(End of this chapter)

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