Chapter 629

He saw Si Kouyao and Xiao Chifeng on the side again, looking at their father and son with a smile, looking like they were watching a good show, Jun couldn't help but blushed, awkwardly, he just hugged Xiaolong and flew directly onto the air speeder.

Shen Qing watched the father and son come back, and asked in surprise, "Why did you come back so soon?"

Long Xiao directly gave Shen Qing the little dragon he couldn't handle, "Take care of your son! It's such a headache!"

Shen Qing glanced at Xiao Xiaolong, who was hiding in her arms and secretly laughing, with some puzzlement, and asked again, "What's the matter?"

Long Xiao originally wanted to tell Shen Qing about his son, but when he saw Mr. Xiao and Grandma Xiao looking at him, he was embarrassed to say that he was jealous of his son and robbed his mother from him.

He had no choice but to tighten his mouth, and turned his face away with an unhappy expression.

As soon as Shen Qing saw it, she knew it must be this mischievous little bear who made his father angry again.

However, looking at this little guy's furtive look, he must have made his father feel aggrieved again!
And there is no one else who can make his father feel aggrieved except her!
Shen Qing hugged her son with one hand, and quietly took Long Xiao's hand with the other, scratching his palm.

Long Xiao turned his head and looked at her.

Shen Qing winked at him.

Long Xiao was scratched and hooked by her like this, and the anger aroused by his son in his heart was instantly extinguished, but it quickly turned into a burning fire that wanted to press her down and love fiercely.

But now that there are outsiders here, he doesn't dare to move, and he doesn't dare to kiss, it really suffocates him, I really wish I could go back home right away!

When Si Kouyao below saw that the spirit power of the four little guys in her family was about to be exhausted, she told everyone to stop and was ready to go back.

Seeing that they all came back, Long Xiao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After fighting for a long time, when everyone returned to the air speeder, they were all slumped on their chairs from exhaustion, never wanting to get up again.

During the battle just now, everyone was very nervous, and they didn't feel tired at all. Now, once they stopped, their spirits relaxed, and they suddenly felt extremely tired, with pain all over their bodies.

Si Kouyao took out the Gathering Spirit Pill from the space, distributed it to them, and asked them to eat it, so that they could quickly replenish their physical and spiritual strength.

By the time they recovered their physical and spiritual strength, the air speeder had already carried them back to Shen Qing's palace.

For the next whole month, Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao took their disciples and children out to kill beasts every day.

One month later, under the high-intensity, bloody fight with the beast, all the disciples and children's aura was filled with a kind of ferocity and rigidity.

Seeing their obvious progress, Si Kou Yao really wanted to move this primeval forest into her space, so that the disciples of Si Kou Dian could have a long-term training place.

Although there are also spirit mountains and spirit beasts in her space, that amount is only enough for their family to kill for fun, and it is not enough for so many disciples to kill together!
Si Kouyao thought to herself: It would be great if a teleportation array could be built on these two planes.

With the plane teleportation array, disciples can freely go back and forth to practice, without the trouble of sending people over through her plane system.

Moreover, Shen Qing can also go back to her mother's house through the teleportation array, and can interact with her.

 PS: 10th update, I wish you a Merry Christmas!safe and happy!Finally - ask for a monthly pass!Recommended tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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