Chapter 645

Murong Baihe asked her again, "Then what about his parents? What do they do?"

Murong Haitang didn't directly reveal to her that Bai Yan's body is the body reshaped by a fairy, and his powerful soul is actually a system elf.

She explained with the words she had set up with Bai Yan before, "His parents are gone, he was brought up by his god-sister Si Kou Yao, who is also the master of Si Kou Palace in the fairyland, we all call her Sister Yao. Now he lives with Sister Yao and the others, and if we want to talk about marriage, Sister Yao will be in charge."

After Murong Baihe listened, she finally understood, and then continued to ask her, "What did you say you wanted to tell me?"

Murong Haitang sighed softly, "I went home before, and I just mentioned to my grandfather that I want to marry Bai Yan, but my grandfather didn't agree with me marrying to another world, and insisted that I find a woman here. Famous disciples are getting married, Second Sister, please help me talk to Grandpa and get him to agree, okay?"

Murong Baihe said to her calmly, "Haitang, if you want to convince grandpa, first of all, you have to let grandpa and the family members know what benefits you can bring to the family by marrying Bai Yan? This is the most important thing. The practical and most convincing ones! For the rest, it’s useless to just talk about it.”

Murong Haitang thought about it, and it was indeed so.

For a big family, family interests are above all else.

And now she is a monk of the Lingxiao Sword Sect, has the Nascent Soul Realm, and is the youngest elder.

The most important point is that over the years, she has brought many things to the family.

Especially for her grandfather who loves her and her brother and sister who helped her, she gave the most treasures.

In their hearts, they naturally hoped that she would stay here.

She was afraid that once she married into another world, all these benefits would be lost.

That's why Murong Baihe said, no matter how much it is said, it is better to give something practical, let them see the benefits, and naturally agreed.

After Murong Baihe left, Murong Haitang called Bai Yan again, and told Bai Yan about her grandfather's opinion and what Murong Baihe said.

After Bai Yan heard it, she said in a deep voice, "I will discuss this matter with Sister Yao, and I will answer you tomorrow."

Murong Haitang replied "Okay."

Bai Yan turned to discuss this matter with Si Kou Yao again.

Si Kouyao said to Bai Yan, "Xiao Yanyan, use your search ability first to find out what they usually hire here, and then we will double or triple the amount based on this benchmark, depending on the situation." There shouldn’t be any problems at their house.”

Bai Yan's eyes lit up, and he immediately said, "I'll check it now!"

But after a while, Bai Yan's feedback came back, "Sister, the monks here are hired, and the three spirit weapons and one hundred thousand spirit stones are already top-notch."

Si Kouyao patted the table and said proudly, "Okay! Then we will directly give them a fairy artifact, ten spiritual artifacts, and a hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones as the betrothal gift. It will scare them to death!"

Not to mention scaring others to death, even Xiao Baiyan was startled by her.

"Sister, one fairy artifact, ten spiritual artifacts, and one hundred thousand high-grade spirit stones, are you planning to lose everything for me?"

Si Kouyao glanced at him with a smirk, "Xiao Mian, how rich my sister is, it's fine if others don't know, don't you know?"

"But..." After all, it belongs to you!

Si Kou Yao waved her slender hand, "Okay, this is settled! Tomorrow we will go to their Murong's house to propose marriage!"

(End of this chapter)

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