Chapter 647 Fight to Bai Yan
They automatically ignored Si Kou Yao, and directly locked their fiery adoring eyes on Xiao Chifeng alone, which immediately made Murong Haitang dumbfounded.

Fortunately, Gongsun Bing is a fine individual.

After hearing that Murong Haitang introduced Si Kou Yao first, and Xiao Chi Feng second, he decided that the identity of Fairy Si Kou Yao, the master of Si Kou Hall, must be more important than Xiao Chi Feng! ! !
He immediately nodded and bowed to Si Kouyao with a smile and said hello, "Hello, fairy, I am the manager of Lingxiao Trading House, surnamed Gongsun, first name handle, welcome fairy, Xianjun, and everyone to visit Lingxiao Trading House, if necessary For our place, please feel free to open your mouth, we will definitely make the fairies and the immortals come here in high spirits and return with satisfaction."

Si Kouyao smiled slightly, "Then there will be Mr. Lao Gongsun."

Seeing that Si Kouyao didn't put on airs at all, Gongsun Bing's affection for her increased by another level, "Fairy, you're welcome! Fairy, fairy, and everyone, please come inside!"

Si Kouyao, Xiao Chifeng, and Murong Haitang walked into the gate of the trading house under Gongsun Bing's attentive leadership.

Si Kou Yao raised her eyes and saw that there was another world inside the trading house.

Her first impression was that it was very big, three or four times the size of the largest gymnasium in modern times.

The second feeling is: there are so many people!
Gongsun Bing introduced them in a timely manner, "Fairy, Xianjun, there are some relatively ordinary things in the front. The further we go, the more precious and rare those things become. If you dare to ask the fairy, you should look around first. Shall I see it, or go directly to the back to see the precious things?"

Si Kou Yao replied softly in a pleasant voice, "Let's take a casual look first!"

Gongsun Bing respectfully replied, "Yes!"

Si Kouyao and Xiao Chifeng were indeed walking casually. After walking around, they found that the area in front of them was indeed just some ordinary spiritual objects and herbs, and there was nothing she was willing to do.

She asked Gongsun Bing to take them to the high-end area behind to have a look.

The things in the high-level area really made Si Kouyao and Xiao Chifeng's eyes shine.

There are many elixirs that have grown for thousands of years, as well as high-level spirit beast bones that can be used for refining weapons, spirit beast inner alchemy for refining medicine, formation flags for forming formations, as well as cultivation secrets, combat skills, etc. , It's really complete, which makes Si Kou Yao's heart move.

When she saw what she wanted, she bought it and put it in the space.

For some things she missed, Bai Yan will remind her to buy them through the system scan.

Just when Si Kouyao and Xiao Chifeng's shopping was on the rise, a group of people headed by Bei Chenguang and Feng Zige suddenly blocked their way.

Si Kou Yao lightly frowned, looked at this group of men and women who looked like men, and asked coldly, "Who are you? Do you want to die?"

Her arrogant tone instantly angered the other party.

Bei Chenguang smiled coldly, "I'm not looking for you, I'm looking for the man who wants to marry Fairy Haitang, and I just want to ask him, why did you marry our Fairy Haitang? Do you dare to compare with us? "

Murong Haitang saw this group of people making trouble again, and wanted to go up to argue with them, but Si Kouyao stopped her with her hand.

She looked them up and down, and finally sneered, and said with a sarcasm, "You guys still want to challenge our family's Bai Yan even if you have such a low level of cultivation? It's really an ant shaking a big tree-you can't control yourself! "

(End of this chapter)

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