Chapter 654 Dirty tricks!

Bai Yan snorted arrogantly, and sneered, "Why did you tell me, master? Alright, let's start the second trick, master doesn't have so much time to waste with you!"

When Bai Yan said these words before, others would think he was arrogant.

But after the astonishing move just now, now that Bai Yan said these words, no one would think that he was arrogant.

Instead, he thinks that Bai Yan is confident!He also has the right to be so proud!
Bei Chenguang's hand holding the sword trembled slightly.

He didn't expect that, with the blow with all his strength, he didn't even touch the corner of Bai Yan.

The self-confidence he had just rebuilt was met with a heavy blow from Bai Yan in this first move.

No!He does not believe in evil!

He can't lose!He must win!
A strong murderous look flashed across Bei Chenguang's eyes, he swung the Bright Moon Sword in his hand again, and swung it towards Bai Yan viciously.

This time, he used [-]% of his skills!No reservations at all!

Unfortunately, he still repeated the tragedy just now!
Bai Yan seemed to be crushed by his spirit sword, but his person appeared in another direction the next moment.

Seeing Bai Yan standing proudly in front of him, Bei Chenguang felt fear at this moment.

And all the onlookers in the audience couldn't understand how Bai Yan evaded, and how he shifted his shape, his body skills were too advanced!

They can't read it at all!
Normal people, on the other hand, are more in awe of people who are more unpredictable.

Those in the arena who bet their treasure on Bei Chenguang and others have already started to feel uneasy.

They were worried that if Bei Chenguang and the others lost like this, those who bet on them would also be doomed!The money is going to be wasted!

Bai Yan looked coldly at Bei Chenguang, who was already covered in cold sweat, and sneered, "You still have one last move!"

Bei Chenguang's eyes turned blood red, and he rushed towards Bai Yan again.

However, this time, he also included the dirty trick of sprinkling poisonous powder!
Bei Chenguang thought that if he sprinkled this poisonous powder all over the Yuanpantai, no matter which corner Bai Yan fled to, he would inevitably be infected with his poison, and in the end, he died of the poison!

Thinking of this result, Bei Chenguang felt abnormally excited and excited.

After Bai Yan avoided Bei Chenguang's sword move with space teleportation again, he discovered Bei Chenguang's movement of sprinkling the poisonous powder.

His eyes froze for an instant, and immediately cast the space confinement technique, confining Bei Chenguang in place, making him unable to move anymore.

And Bei Chenguang's hand was still showing the movement of sprinkling the poisonous powder, even the poisonous powder was imprisoned by Bai Yan.

As time stands still, characters stand still...

Bei Chenguang's astonishing actions, as well as his shady and dirty thoughts, were all under the watchful eyes of the public, and it was clear at a glance.

Bai Yan stood on the stage, pointed at Bei Chenguang, and then asked the people below the stage sharply, "Is this the demeanor of the famous disciples of Xunxian City? If you can't beat them, just use such a dirty trick? If this is what you call Famous disciple demeanor, then I, Bai Yan, really look down on you guys!"

Among the onlookers in Xunxian City, those who were related to Bei Chenguang lowered their heads in shame.

Some people were unwilling to be dragged down by Bei Chenguang, and shouted loudly, "He Bei Chenguang is shameless, what does it matter to others?"

"That's right, Bei Chenguang only represents himself and his Beichen family, and has nothing to do with our other families!"

(End of this chapter)

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