Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 659 The opponent is really too strong!

Chapter 659 The opponent is really too strong!
Bai Yan stared at these people, and said coldly, "If you want to expose it, it's okay, you all swear to the devil!"

Beichen Feiyue glared at Bai Yan angrily, "You actually want us to swear an oath? You don't believe us?"

Bai Yan sneered and said, "There is no evidence for what you say, if you don't swear by your heart, why should I believe you?"

Beichen Feiyue stared at Bai Yan stubbornly.

But Bai Yan completely ignored him, still looking calm and relaxed.

His expression seemed to be telling them, whether you like to post or not, it's not me who is worried!

Beichen Feiyue had no other choice. In order to save his father, he could only raise his hand and swear an oath to the sky.

"I, Beichen Feiyue, now swear to the sky that as long as Bai Yan lets my father go, I will expose this matter from now on, and I will never retaliate against Bai Yan. If I violate this oath, I will be struck by lightning from the sky, and I will never die." Super born."

Bai Yan looked at the other people again, "You all send one too!"

The way they looked at Bai Yan was full of burning anger, and they really wanted to eat Bai Yan in one bite.

But under the persecution of the powerful Bai Yan, they still obediently swear the heart demon oath.

In the end, Bai Yan smiled coldly at them and said, "Your master made you swear to the demons, he is actually saving you! If you still refuse to admit defeat, you can send other people to come. However, my master is here to remind you You guys, if there is a next time, the young master will definitely not hold back, as long as he is here to find fault, even if he does not die, the young master will directly abolish him!"

The coldness in his words, as well as the mighty coercion of the earthly fairyland deliberately released, almost made several men and women of the Beichen family kneel down, as if they were soaked in an ice bank, shivering from the cold .

For the first time, they felt the threat of death so close!

For the first time, they truly experienced the strength of the strong in the fairyland!

The gap between them is too big!

They believed that Bai Yan just stretched out a finger, and he could crush them into powder!

In addition to being shocked, their hearts are still shocked!
Even when Bai Yan undid Beichen Yuandong's spatial confinement and flew away with Si Kouyao and the others in a speeding car, they were still in shock and couldn't recover for a long time.

Beichen Yuandong, who had already gained freedom, couldn't help but let out a long sigh when he saw their dumbfounded looks, his old eyes were filled with incomparable frustration and endless desolation.

Although he was imprisoned in a specific space by Bai Yan just now, he heard everything they said without missing a word.

The opponent is really too strong!
That unworthy descendant, Bei Chenguang, actually attracted such a big opponent for their Beichen family, really damn it!
He always thought that Bei Chenguang was the most outstanding child of their generation.

But who would have thought that he would do such a stupid thing.

And he, the patriarch, is not much smarter.

He didn't even see the coffin and didn't cry, he thought about standing up for his grandson, until now, after really suffering and suffering, he realized the reality clearly, and had to bow down to Bai Yan. They think they are very noble head.

Beichen Yuandong suddenly felt a little discouraged, and said to the children around him in a deep voice, "After you go back, restrain the children at home and practice in seclusion! Don't bother with outside affairs!"

Beichen Feiyue and them just woke up like a dream, and replied in a deep voice, "Yes!"

They don't know now that they have offended the people of Si Kou Dian, and they will regret it in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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