Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 668 Shocking the Whole City 5

Chapter 668 Shocking the Whole City 5
He sat there quietly, listening to the conversation between Si Kou Yao and Mr. Murong.

The more he listened, the head of Xuan Lei became more startled.

This Lord Sikou is actually an all-around and shocking talent.

According to what she said, she not only has the cultivation base of the fairyland, but also can make alchemy, can refine weapons, can form formations, and can heal spells and so on.

The most frightening thing is that she has cultivated every skill to the same level as her own. What a terrifying talent!
You know, it is not easy for ordinary people to specialize in a field and successfully cultivate to the peak of that field.

But she seems to be top-notch in all talents, and she seems to have taken everything in her cultivation. A person as amazing and talented as her is really admirable!
Not only the head of Xuanlei thought so, but everyone present at the scene was as shocked as the head of Xuanlei, and expressed their utmost surrender to the incomparably powerful Si Kouyao.

They didn't know that Si Kouyao was so good because she had a space against the sky, so that she didn't have to be afraid of time and could practice as much as she wanted.

Although the outside world can see that she has only practiced for eight years now, but based on the flow rate of space, she doesn't know how many years she has practiced.

The youngest child of the third uncle of the Murong family is Murong Fenghua.

He is 15 years old this year, just when he liked to worship individual heroism, and he has not joined any sect yet.

Today he sat in the lobby and listened to the conversations of the adults for a long time. Murong Fenghua couldn't hold back the excitement and excitement in his heart, and asked his new idol Si Kou Yao innocently, "Senior Si Kou, I dare to ask you, Is your Sikou Hall still recruiting disciples? Those of us who have not yet joined the sect, can we participate in the assessment of your hall?"

When he asked this question, he heard the voices of many boys and girls present, and his eyes lit up, staring at Si Kou Yao closely, waiting for her answer.

When Si Kouyao heard Murong Fenghua's question, an idea suddenly came to her mind.

She wanted to establish the influence of Si Kou Palace in this plane of cultivating immortals, but she didn't know if the local great sects like Ling Xiao Sword Sect would have any objections to them?

Si Kouyao thought for a while before replying, "That's a good question. I have to go back and think about it before I can decide whether to build a branch hall here in Xunxian City. I will tell you when I have news, okay ?"

Si Kou Yao's beautiful appearance and gentle and pleasant voice made Murong Fenghua feel comfortable.

"Okay, okay, the junior is waiting for the good news from the senior."

Murong Fenghua's white and tender handsome face was swollen pink because of excitement, and he looked as cute as a young lady.

Seeing that Si Kouyao didn't annoy him, Mr. Murong answered Murong Fenghua's question so politely and politely. He was happy, but he still reprimanded him with a smile, "You little monkey, luckily the Lord Si Kou is one of his own, and you can There are a lot of adults, if you are outside, someone with the identity and cultivation level of the Lord Sikou, you can no longer act recklessly like you are now, you know?"

Murong Fenghua obediently responded, "Grandpa, grandson understands."

Everyone chatted and chatted, and it was time for lunch.

The Murong family also used all their strength and contributed the best spiritual food they had been collecting all the time to entertain Si Kouyao and Xiao Chifeng, who were already almost gods in their eyes, as well as Bai Yan and Xuan Zhen. head.


(End of this chapter)

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