Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 670 Daddy misses you so much!

Chapter 670 Daddy misses you so much!
Seeing her playful and funny appearance, Leng Qingjue smiled, "You bad girl, if it's good for you, just say you love me. I don't usually see you courting me."

Si Kou Yao coquettishly smiled and said, "Oh, Uncle Leng, you are now a high-ranking Daluo Jinxian, but what about me? I am still a rookie struggling in the ordinary plane and learning to fly. When will I spread my wings to the sky? ? Even I don't know!"

Speaking of this, she sighed, "Uncle Leng, it's not that I don't want to repay your great kindness, but that what I have now is something you always look down on, how can I repay you! But , don't worry, you are as important as my father in my heart, I will definitely be filial to you in the future! I will! I swear to God!"

Leng Qingjue heard her last words, and saw the seriousness written on her exquisite face, and smiled even more happily, "Okay, okay, Uncle Leng is just joking with you, why are you so anxious Yes, you wait, I will send you the system elf in a while, and give you an enhanced version of the system elf that is even more powerful than Bai Yan, isn't it interesting for Uncle Leng?"

Si Kouyao was so moved that her eyes were red, and she nodded vigorously to the Leng Qingjue in the video who was smiling dotingly and looking at her, "Uncle Leng, you are so kind! You are so kind to me Already! Yaoyao really doesn't know how to thank you..."

Leng Qingjue smiled, changed the subject, and asked her how she was doing recently.

Si Kou Yao answered one by one.

She also asked Leng Qingjue about her father's situation.

Leng Qingjue gave her a nasty smile, "Guess who is standing behind me now?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Si Kou Yao's eyes, "Could it be my father?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the perfect and elegant figure of the Palace Master instantly appeared on the video screen.

Si Kouyao looked at the old man who had not seen him for a long time, and her eyes felt a little hot.

Every time, when the palace master's father was about to disappear for a while, she was worried that he would disappear again.

With a hint of accusation in her tone, she scolded the Hall Master coquettishly, "Father, you haven't made a video call with me for a month!"

The father of the hall master smiled gently and looked at his precious daughter, "Didn't Daddy tell you before that you will be in seclusion during this period of time, why, you forgot again?"

Si Kou Yao pursed her lips, "I haven't forgotten, I just miss Dad so much. Dad, when will you come back? We all miss you so much!"

When the lord of the hall heard the words of the precious daughter, his heart stabbed instantly, and it hurt again and again.

He replied with a choked voice, "Yao'er, Dad misses you very much, and Dad also wants to go back, but he can't help himself."

Si Kou Yao asked puzzledly, "Why?"

These years, neither Si Kou Yu nor Leng Qingjue directly explained to Si Kou Yu that he was forced to marry Princess Si Luo in order to protect her and Nalan Yan who was in the ghost world.

Five years have passed, and Si Kou Yu still hasn't touched a single hair of Princess Si Luo.

The resentment in Princess Siluo's heart is now accumulating more and more.

She is staring at him every day now, how could she allow him to go down to see Si Kou Yao?

If she didn't go down to deal with Si Kouyao, and if she didn't cut off his longing for his precious daughter and Nalanyan, they would feel that they should thank God.

But these, they will never explain to Si Kou Yao.

 PS: Ask for a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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