Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 672 Xiao Si Kou Yao in ancient costume

Chapter 672 Xiao Si Kou Yao in ancient costume
While Si Kouyao was chatting with her patriarch's father, Leng Qingjue took the time to make an enhanced system elf for her.

Si Kou Yao said coldly, "Yao Yao, in order to avoid situations like Bai Yan from happening again, I sealed all the emotions and desires of this enhanced system elf, and she will never have feelings with anyone in the future, including you. The host is the same, but she will completely carry out your orders as the host, and will help you take care of the entire system space when you are not free. She is a better than Bai Yan, but she will not give you An excellent helper for troubles and embarrassments."

After listening to Leng Qingjue, Si Kouyao was so grateful that she didn't know how to express it.

She felt that she had received too much kindness from Uncle Leng, and the debt was almost piled up, how could she pay it back in the future?

Alas, keep keeping the accounts, don't worry about the debts, just owe them!
After Leng Qingjue finished speaking, he sent her the enhanced system elf and asked her to name it herself.

When Si Kou Yao saw this enhanced version of the system wizard, she was dumbfounded.

This enhanced version of the system elf, her appearance is actually a Q version, with double buns on her hair, wearing a small blue skirt in ancient costumes, a super super cute little version of Si Kou Yao! ! !

Xiao Si Kou Yao in ancient costume!
It's so cute!so cute! ! !

Si Kouyao seemed to see herself when she was a child, her face was covered with blood, and she immediately wanted to hug this system elf and kiss her.

When she came back to react, Si Kouyao immediately raised her eyes and stared at Leng Qingjue who was looking at her with a smirk in the video, gritted her teeth and asked, "Uncle Leng, did you do this on purpose?"

Desolately asked with a smile, "Why? Don't you like it? Look at her, she is so cute! If you have another baby like this, how wonderful life will be! Isn't it?"

Si Kouyao said with a downcast face, "But my system elf is there to help me with things every day. You asked me to send a little loli who looks exactly like me to do this and that every day. Let me do this and that. How can you bear it?"

Leng Qingjue curled her lips, "What's the matter, you can try it first, if you really don't like it, you can return it to me. But, I promise, you will like her! She is really my hand The cutest, best, best cute elf in the world! I reluctantly gave it to you, so don't be dissatisfied!"

After hearing what he said, Si Kouyao had no choice but to nod, "Okay! Then I'll try it out first, and if it doesn't fit, I'll really return it!"

Leng Qingjue smiled and nodded, "This is the right I gave you, you can use it as you like, but I believe you will not use this trick."

Si Kouyao snorted coquettishly, "Uncle Leng, are you so confident?"

Leng Jue raised his chin arrogantly, "Of course, the enhanced version of the cute little elf, which is personally created by the top leader of my dignified Space-Time Management Bureau with the power of fairy spirits, can there be any bad things?"

Si Kouyao smiled and bowed her hands to thank him, "Then I will thank Uncle Leng."

She looked at the father of the hall master who was smiling and watching them chatting, and said to the father of the hall master, "Dad, if you have a chance, please thank Uncle Leng for me. He is really kind to me. My daughter now There is nothing to repay!"

If she wasn't married, maybe she could still have a promise with her body.

Unfortunately, she is already married.

Apart from Xiao Chifeng, she will never have another man in this life.

 PS: what a da~
(End of this chapter)

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