Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 684 The new president's wife is so happy!

Chapter 684 The new president's wife is so happy!
"Our original protection plan was ruined by these villains! But..."

Xiao Chifeng paused again, and said word by word again in a sonorous and forceful voice, "I, Xiao Chifeng, swear here that I will make those villains pay a huge price for their cold-blooded and cruel actions! Those who bully me, Huatian Empire, Even if he escapes to the ends of the earth, I, Xiao Chifeng, will definitely kill him! I will never tolerate or tolerate him!!!"

As soon as his words fell, the audience applauded like a wave...

Originally, Xiao Chifeng's image as a military god was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and his prestige among the people was also extremely high. In addition, his current cultivation base is also extremely high. His appointment made the people of the Huatian Empire even happier.

They also feel more secure with such a strong leader.

Next, the reporters asked Xiao Chifeng some directions about the development of the empire, and Xiao Chifeng also answered them one by one.

His handsome image of a military god, his elegant and witty conversation, every word of his words, and his sincerity from the heart, in addition to showing his coldness, handsomeness, calmness, and thunderous momentum, he also has a kind of ecstasy. The power and passion of extreme convincing.

The content of the live broadcast of this press conference directly detonated the Internet and attracted the attention of people all over the world. The hotline of the presidential palace office was about to be blown up.

Men all over the world regard Xiao Chifeng as their new idol and object of worship.

Women all over the world shouted wildly, Xiao Chifeng is the president of the people, Xiao Chifeng is the husband of the people, Xiao Chifeng is mine, mine, mine...

There were even many women who said enviously and jealously: "The President of the People's Republic of China is so handsome, the wife of the President is so lucky!!!"

Leaders of various countries also called Xiao Chifeng one after another to congratulate him on being the new president.

Xiao Chifeng's appearance on stage became something that everyone expected.

But after the press conference, Xiao Chifeng returned to the small house of the Wangfu, but Xiao Chifeng asked Mr. Xiao with an unhappy face, "Grandpa, didn't you agree before that I will be the acting president temporarily? Why do you just say that I am taking over?" What about the presidency?"

Mr. Xiao glared at Xiao Chifeng, and directly reprimanded, "It's called too much work for the capable! Your father is also 61 this year, and he has been busy for so many years, and now this happened again. You are not young now, it is time It's your turn to take over!"

"But I..."

Xiao Chifeng wanted to say that he still wanted to accompany Si Kouyao to practice or something, but Mr. Xiao directly stopped him from talking.

Mr. Xiao looked at him seriously and said, "Achi, I know you and Yaoyao still have a lot of things to do, but you have to understand that as the crown prince of the royal family, you have the responsibility to take over. Another , you have this supreme status, isn’t it easier and more convenient to do what you want to do?”

Xiao Chifeng thought about it, and what the old man said made sense.

He finally nodded, "Okay! Old man, you really have no plans to spare, my grandson is convinced!"

Mr. Xiao laughed softly, "If you are convinced, do it well for me, and make a good result, so that people all over the world can take a good look at it. The men in our Xiao family are all good!"

Xiao Chifeng nodded seriously, "Grandpa, I will do my best to meet your old requirements!"

Mr. Xiao patted him on the shoulder heavily, and said affirmatively, "Grandpa believes in you! You can do it!"

 PS: I wish you a happy New Year's Day and all the best! On January 2017, 1, in September, there will be a property grabbing event of "Welcome the New Year and give back to the genuine readers".

(End of this chapter)

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