Chapter 695

The boss and the second child looked at each other, and they both responded happily, "No problem, absolutely no problem."

Si Kouyao waved her hand, "Okay, you don't have to worry about the next thing, come home with me in a while, and I'll take you back to the mountain."

The second child pouted and said dissatisfiedly, "Mum, we don't want to go up the mountain, we want to stay and help you and Dad!"

The boss also hugged her coquettishly and did not let go, "Mommy, just let us stay! Please, please, don't you think we did a good job this time, didn't we? Dad... ..."

When Xiao Chifeng saw that his son had drawn the fire on him again, he was afraid that his wife would be angry, so he said unscrupulously, "Just be obedient, and do what your mommy says!"

The boss and the second child looked at their father with contempt, it's useless to be a wife slave!She is majestic outside, but once she gets in front of Mommy, she will be scared!

Of course, they would never dare to say this, otherwise, even if Dad didn't clean them up in person, he would definitely clean them up badly afterwards.

The final result was that the two little babies still couldn't bear their mother's violent suppression, and obediently followed her home.

Let’s talk about Mei Yanan at the Imperial People’s Hospital.

Not long after her second child Xiao Qingguo left, she woke up.

She only felt a little dizzy in her head, reached out to pat her head, and shook her head to wake herself up.

She looked around and thought about it again, but she still couldn't figure out why she collapsed in this bathroom?

Thinking that her mother-in-law was still undergoing hemodialysis there, she quickly went to the toilet and ran back.

Fortunately, her mother-in-law was still doing hemodialysis there, and nothing happened.

On the other hand, when the old lady Xia saw her running so fast, her face was still a little pale. She was afraid that something might happen to her, so she asked her with concern, "Yanan, are you tired? What are you doing in such a hurry? If I If anything happens, I will call the nurse even if you are not here!"

Mei Yanan had something on his mind, and always felt that he was in a panic, as if something big was about to happen.

She reluctantly showed a smile to Mrs. Xia, and said softly, "Mom, I'm fine, don't worry!"

At this time, Mrs. Xia's attending doctor Zhou Ye came in, smiled and said to Mei Yanan and Mrs. Xia, "Ms. Mei, Aunt Xia, congratulations, Aunt Xia's kidney source has been found, may I ask you?" do you need?"

Mei Yanan nodded without hesitation and said, "Yes, of course, we have been waiting for it!"

Zhou Ye nodded with a smile, and asked again, "If you want, you can pay a deposit first, and I will settle it for you. Mrs. Xia will be hospitalized for recuperation starting today. For kidney replacement surgery, I would like to ask, have you prepared the money for the operation?"

The old lady Xia naturally knew that the family did not have this money.

She quickly tugged Mei Yanan's hand, and said to her anxiously, "Yanan, the kidney transplant operation costs so much money, we won't do it, we won't do it, I'm so old, how long can I live?" It’s only a few days, why are you still spending this money, if you really want to have this operation, it will drag you down for the rest of your life, even if I live, I don’t feel at ease!”

Mei Yanan reached out and patted Mrs. Xia's hand, and said softly, "Mom, don't worry, we have raised the money for your operation, and everyone is very enthusiastic about donating. We only borrowed a little money." money……"

(End of this chapter)

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