Chapter 701 Ouyang Feiyi, die!

This time, is it considered that he died before leaving the teacher?
Ouyang Feiyi sighed, while unwillingly trying to mobilize the magic power again.

It's a pity that the magic power in his body is pitifully scarce now, and it's about to be exhausted soon.

He has only two ways to go now, one is to blew himself up and hurt the enemy, and the other is to run away quickly.

He doesn't want to die yet!
Therefore, Ouyang Feiyi decisively chose - escape!
But just as he moved, Xiao Chifeng's lightning grid locked him again!
There was another loud bang...

Ouyang Feiyi only felt his brain explode, as if he felt the approach of death, a strong sense of unwillingness and despair spread throughout his body in an instant.

The next moment, Ouyang Feiyi felt his whole body was burning from inside to outside.

"Ah ah ah..."

"It hurts..."

"Xiao Chifeng, you bastard..."

"Xiao Chifeng, you must die!!!"

"Xiao Chifeng, you bastard, I want to eat your flesh, drink your blood, peel your skin, and cram your tendons..."

Ouyang Feiyi screamed in pain, he watched his body fall down, slowly being burned to ashes, and his soul was forced out of his body.

Ouyang Feiyi's soul was panic-stricken, trying to escape from the engulfment of the fierce lightning and fire.

But he found sadly that his soul was also quickly swallowed by the thunder fire.

Ouyang Feiyi was unwilling to die like this, but his physical body was already destroyed, and he couldn't even blew himself up to injure the enemy.

His soul let out a roar full of unwillingness and despair, "Xiao Chifeng, even if I am a ghost, I will not let you go! Do you think that if you kill me, everything will be fine for you? Let me tell you, I am just a pawn playing forward , When our lord truly descends on the earth, it will be the time when your earth will be destroyed, just wait! Wait! Wait! Hahaha, hahaha, hahaha..."

Xiao Chifeng didn't say anything, another thunderbolt struck at his soul, directly smashing Ouyang Feiyi's soul to pieces, not even giving him a chance to reincarnate.

Seeing Ouyang Feiyi's handsome and monster-like body turned into flying ash, and his soul has dissipated into the world, Xiao Chifeng's lips curled up into a sneer, "Want to become a ghost? Hehe, that's up to me." Will Xiao Chifeng let you be a ghost! I don't want you to be a ghost, you can't even be a ghost!"

After Xiao Chifeng cleaned up Ouyang Feiyi, he turned to look at Si Kouyao.

It was discovered that she had also wiped out all the nearly thirty black-clothed men, leaving only five black-clothed men alive!

Seeing Xiao Chifeng approaching, Si Kouyao pointed to the few people who were still alive and said, "Since Ouyang Feiyi is dead, let's use these people as scapegoats!"

Xiao Chifeng nodded, "OK!"

The thunder and lightning flickered here, as well as the rumbling sound. The huge movement caused the people around them to think there was an earthquake, and they called the police one by one.

Fu Lin, the new leader of the special operations team who received the alarm, also rushed to the scene of Jingshan Mountain with a group of team members.

The scene at this time has already been dealt with by Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao. The corpses of those men in black were all burned and those that should be kept.

As soon as Fu Lin saw that Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao were there, he was startled, and instantly understood.

Only the most powerful and sacred new president in their minds can create such terrifying thunder and lightning sounds and energy!

(End of this chapter)

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