Chapter 708 Xiao Dingtian Woke Up

Recently, there have been a lot of things going on, and she hasn't cooked delicious food for her family for several days. Today, I will take some time to make some food and store it, so that I can treat myself when I am not free. and family stomach.

She cooked ten pots of boiled live fish, ten pots of spicy crayfish, spicy beef, spicy tripe, beef sauce, roast chicken, roast duck, three-cup duck, kebabs, etc. All are over ten servings.

Then, she made some exquisite and delicious snacks, such as milk peanut cake, snowflake cake, mille-feuille cake, taro cake, shredded coconut cake, sweet-scented osmanthus sugar, chestnut cake, mousse cake, fruit cake, etc. A lot, all in a transparent kitchen cabinet dedicated to snacks.

Xiao Chifeng, who was practicing, and the two little babies, the eldest and the second child, were all attracted by the bursts of strong vegetable aroma and sweet pastry.

The greedy second child was the first to jump up, "Mommy is cooking something delicious, Dad, I'm hungry, I'm going to eat!"

The boss also jumped up, "I want to go too! I want to go too!"

Xiao Chifeng was helpless, and he also wanted to eat, so the father and son went downstairs together.

Xiao Dingtian in the guest room felt that he had slept for a long time, and was suddenly awakened by a strong smell of vegetables and meat.

Only then did he feel very hungry.

When he raised his eyes and looked around, it turned out to be a completely unfamiliar environment, which frightened him.

This is where?

Xiao Dingtian thought of his previous memories, as if he heard his son call, saying that they came back from another world, and the family got together, but they were attacked on the way there.

When Xiao Dingtian felt the severe pain coming from his heart, he thought that he must be dead this time.

But now it seems that he is still alive?

Xiao Dingtian sat up and listened to the movement around him.

He seemed to hear the familiar voices of children downstairs, so he quickly opened the door and walked downstairs.

When Xiao Chifeng, Si Kouyao, and the two little babies were all there, Xiao Dingtian breathed a sigh of relief.

When Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao saw that Xiao Dingtian was awake, they also stood up happily, and asked with surprise smiles, "Dad, are you awake?"

Xiao Dingtian nodded with a smile, reached out and touched his stomach, "What are you eating? I feel hungry too!"

With a wave of Si Kou Yao's hand, there was an extra set of bowls and chopsticks on the table, "Dad, come and sit down quickly, we are about to start eating!"

The two little babies also stepped forward one from the left and one from the right, took Xiao Dingtian's hand, and pulled him to the edge of the dining table, "Grandpa, Mommy's cooking is delicious, come and eat!"

"Grandpa, come and eat with us!"

Xiao Dingtian smiled and said, "Okay, good boy, you eat first, and grandpa has to brush your teeth and wash your face, and come down later."

He stretched out and stroked the heads of the two little babies again, and then looked at Si Kou Yao.

Si Kouyao immediately said to him, "Dad, in the room where you live, there are new toothbrushes and handkerchiefs in the bathroom. Ah Chi, why don't you take Dad there!"

Xiao Chifeng responded, "Okay."

He stood up and said to Xiao Dingtian, "Dad, let's go, I'll take you up."

"it is good."

Seeing that the father and son went up, Si Kouyao and the two little ones didn't start eating. With the elder Xiao Dingtian here, they had to wait for him to come down according to the etiquette.

(End of this chapter)

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