Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 711 The prestige of the new president

Chapter 711 The prestige of the new president

Si Kou Yao replied seriously, "Dad, don't worry! Ah Chi and I will not disappoint you and grandpa's trust, and we will definitely protect the empire!"

Xiao Dingtian looked at them with relief, "Okay, okay, that's good!"

After the family finished eating, Si Kouyao asked the two little ones to take Xiao Dingtian around the space.

She and Xiao Chifeng went back to the bedroom and continued to study "The Curse of Exorcism".

Si Kou Yao asked Xiao Xiao to help her again and asked Leng Qingjue, can this "Exorcism Immortal Curse" be given to the disciples of Si Kou Dian?

If they all know how to use the "Exorcism Immortal Curse", then they can also use it to deal with those demon cultivators and evil cultivators when they conduct national inspections.

This time, Leng Qingjue replied immediately.

He said, "I originally found this "Exorcism Immortal Curse" specially for you. How you want to use it and teach it to anyone is up to you. It's up to you."

Si Kouyao thanked Leng Qing again and again, the gratitude in her heart was beyond words.

The preliminary plan to deal with the magic repair has been determined, and it is waiting to be implemented.

the next day.

Xiao Dingtian and the two little babies still stayed in the space.

Si Kouyao will accompany Xiao Chifeng to attend the press conference at 09:30.

The reporters from the major media circles who received the notice yesterday rushed to the special press conference site of the Presidential Palace early this morning.

Seeing that Xiao Chifeng hadn't arrived yet, the reporters started discussing there.

"Hey, have you heard? This time the real culprit of the serious attack on the president has finally been caught!"

"Tch, didn't you already know about this yesterday! Secretary-General Sima told us about it when he notified us to hold a press conference, and you still need to talk about it."

"That's right, you don't need to talk about this, it's something everyone knows, Liu Dazui, what else do you have in hand? Let's talk about other things quickly!"

The reporter named Liu Dazui was actually named Liu Dingbang.

Because he has always been able to collect a lot of revelations, and he likes to tell people, he can't keep his mouth shut, so over time, his nickname "Liu Dazui" has become popular, but few people remember his real name.

At this time, Liu Dazui saw many people gathered around him, and immediately said excitedly, "I heard that the big commotion in Jingshan yesterday was caused by the arrest of criminals, and I I also heard that these criminals were personally arrested by our President and his wife..."

When everyone heard it, they suddenly exclaimed in unison, "Isn't it?"


"Liu Dazui, don't brag!"

Liu Dazui saw that everyone didn't believe him, so he cut it off, "Believe it or not, you will be defeated if you don't believe it! Let's wait and see for a while!"

"Okay, wait and see, if what you said is true, I will invite you to eat roast duck later!"

Liu Dazui immediately asked, "Is it the roast duck from Jueweifang?"

The reporter rolled his eyes at him, "You have a good idea! The roast duck in Jueweifang is so expensive! I can't afford it! It would be nice to have Lao Deji's roast duck for you."

Liu Dazui chuckled, "Okay, Lao De Ji is Lao De Ji, it's better than not having to eat."

Everyone gave him a look of contempt, he is really greedy, no wonder this Liu Dazui is full of fat, and he has a fat head and big ears. It seems that his big mouth can not only talk, but also eat.

At this moment, Sima Lin, Xiao Chifeng's secretary-general, walked in and said to everyone, "Ladies and gentlemen, the President and his wife will be arriving soon. Please be quiet! Everyone take your place!"

 PS: Today's 8th update is over, and there will be continuous updates in the early morning~
(End of this chapter)

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