Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 715: The Palace Lord and the Princess perish together!

Chapter 715: The Palace Lord and the Princess perish together!
Si Kouyu smiled softly, "Princess Siluo is so kind, how can I live up to it?"

Princess Siluo, you forced me!
If I don't send you back to the west today, I won't be called Si Kou Yu!

Only when you die can my children be safe.

Princess Si Luo may have longed for Si Kou Yu for too long, or she thought that Si Kou Yu had really changed his mind, but she actually untied the immortal rope on him and handed over the initiative to him.

Just when Si Kou Yu was about to make a move, Princess Si Luo suddenly said to him with a sinister smile, "Si Kou Yu, let me tell you, I have already set up a plan on Earth, as long as I die, your daughter of Earth will be killed." It's dangerous! If you dare to kill me, your daughter will definitely die too!"

Si Kouyu thought of the result he had calculated yesterday, and suddenly smiled softly, "Life and death are destiny, wealth and honor are in the sky, if her life should be like this, then you have to admit it! Princess Siluo, since you want to die so much, I will make it happen." you!"

After finishing speaking, under Princess Si Luo's horrified gaze, Si Kou Yu hugged her tightly, and then exploded his fairy body.


The power caused by the self-explosion of the fairy body almost razed the entire princess mansion to the ground.

The guards and maids who were on duty in the princess mansion fled out like crazy one by one.

And this loud noise that shocked the world also shocked the people in the entire fairy world.

The Immortal Emperor, who was joking with the Immortal Empress, suddenly felt his heart tremble when he heard the loud noise.

When they sensed the disappearance of their daughter Princess Siluo's blood, their expressions changed drastically. They both put on their clothes and quickly moved towards the princess mansion.

Leng Qingjue, who was rushing towards Si Kou Yu and wanted to play with him, saw a huge explosion at the Princess Mansion, and when it was clearly the self-detonating power of the immortal body, Leng Qingjue's expression frightened instantly Turning pale, he flashed into the princess mansion with a teleportation.

When Leng Qingjue saw that the room Si Kou Yu was in had been blown to pieces, and the aura of him and Princess Si Luo had disappeared without a trace, Leng Qingjue's heart felt as if it was being torn apart instantly. In general, I would rather die.

"Ayu, why are you so stupid? Why are you so stupid? You have endured it for so many years, why can't you bear it now?"

"You let go so quickly and left. You are relieved, but have you ever thought about me and Yao'er? How do you want me to explain to Yao'er! How do you let Yao'er live? You are too selfish! Really It's too selfish! Woooooo..."

Leng Qingjue's eyes were red, and the blood and tears in his heart were silently flowing...

"What's going on? What's going on? What's going on?"

When Leng Qingjue heard the roar of the Immortal Emperor coming from behind him, he didn't seem to hear it, and he still stood there quietly, mourning silently in front of the empty air...

The Immortal Emperor suddenly saw Leng Qingjue standing in front of him, grabbed his shoulders, turned his body, forced Leng Qingjue to look at him, and asked him angrily, "Ah Jue, you must know why What's going on? Isn't it?"

Leng Qingjue smiled lightly, and said to the Immortal Emperor sarcastically, "Uncle wants to know so much, can't you use the technique of going back in time to restore the scene at that time?"

Only then did the Immortal Emperor calm down, "Yes! I can restore the scene with the technique of time regression..."

After finishing speaking, the Immortal Emperor quickly stretched out his hands and pinched the formula.

Soon, the scene before the death of Si Kou Yu and Princess Si Luo was played back in front of many immortals...

 PS: Don't worry, don't worry, Lord Hall Master is going to die and come back to life. After killing Princess Siluo, he didn't die, didn't die, didn't die...

(End of this chapter)

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