Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 737 Conquering them with mighty strength

Chapter 737 Conquering them with mighty strength
Reli looked at her ignorant daughter again, and asked her softly, "Little Lingdai, from now on you will go back to study with Brother Qingzhou and Aunt Sikou, okay?"

Xiao Lingdai blinked her big black eyes, and asked innocently, "Mom, will you and Dad go with me?"

Reli shook her head, stroked her head gently, and said with a smile, "No! Mom and Dad still have work to do. You and your little brothers study together, just like you usually go to school. to see you, okay?"

Xiao Lingdai seemed to have sensed something, she pursed her mouth, her black eyes quickly glistened with water, and asked with a choked voice, "Mom, is it true? You didn't lie to me? Are you going to I gave it to my aunt, don't you and dad want me?"

When Reli saw her daughter wanting to cry but not daring to cry, her heart ached.

She looked at Si Kou Yao with some embarrassment and said, "A Yao, look at her like this, why don't you just forget about it?"

Si Kou Yao thought for a while, and then said, "Maybe we are not that familiar yet, and Xiao Lingdai is still a little scared. How about this, you go back to Si Kou Hall with us this time to have a look, and then make a decision, okay? "

Reli looked at Ling Yingming again.

Ling Yingming smiled and nodded, "Okay, we still have five days left for this trip, I wonder if one trip is enough?"

Si Kou Yao smiled and said, "We have an aircraft, we can go wherever we want very quickly, several times faster than an airplane, and we can go around the whole empire in five days. In fact, even if Xiao Lingdai joins Si Kou Palace, as long as she wants You can also ask Qing Zhou to take her home, it will be very fast, you really don't have to worry about it."

Ling Yingming and Reli still don't know much about Si Kouyao's words. After a few days, the couple have seen the power of the flying car and the flying sword, and they instantly feel that they are the frog in the well, and they really have too little experience.

After testing the spiritual roots and discussing the matters of Lingdai's introduction, Si Kouyao asked Yan Ting to take them to the Dali Orchard, the Life Orchard, and the breeding of spirit beasts to have a look, take a look around, and finally went to inspect Energy drink company.

After this round, Ling Yingming and Reli were shocked.

It turns out that several companies that have risen suddenly in recent years and became famous all over the world in a short period of time were all established by the wife of the president!

The way they looked at Si Kou Yao was like looking at a monster, full of shock and curiosity.

If they knew that after Si Kou Yao took over Si Kou Dian, more than half of the global economy was in her hands. I'm afraid they would be even more shocked and trembling?
Because this time, Si Kouyao met Ling Yingming's family of three by chance, and originally planned to stay in Delta for a few more days, but changed it to only one night.

The next day, she took Ling Yingming's family of three and flew back in the direction of Si Kou Dian.

It was the first time for Ling Yingming, Reli, and Lingdai to ride the air speeder, and like all the first time rides in the air speeder, their eyes were full of shock and curiosity.

Xiao Lingdai was even more excited and screamed, "Dad, Mom, this car is so beautiful! It flies so fast! I like it so much! Let's buy one and take it home, shall we?"

Ling Yingming looked at Si Kouyao with some embarrassment, and explained to her daughter with a smile, "Not everyone can buy this flying car, it is a very rare treasure, you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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