Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 746 You are none other than you!

Chapter 746 You are none other than you!

Hearing Si Kouyao's praise, Bai Yan was overjoyed and couldn't help but grinned and said, "Thank you sister for your compliment, but this time, it's really lucky to have Haitang to help, otherwise, I really can't handle it by myself. Such a big place."

Si Kouyao saw that Xiao Baiyan wanted to take credit for his family Haitang, and immediately thanked Haitang sensibly, "Haitang, thank you! This time it was really hard for you two, and I will reward you well later!"

Haitang laughed angrily and said, "Sister Yaoyao, we are all one family, why don't you say thank you! This is what I should do, besides, this is my home from now on, how can I not do my part? ?dont you agree?"

Si Kou Yao laughed coquettishly, "That's right, when you marry Xiao Bai Yan, this will indeed be your home."

A group of people walked in talking and laughing.

After walking into the lobby of the branch hall, Xiao Dingtian also laughed loudly, "It really is exactly the same as that in Xianshan Mountain! When we got here, we didn't feel any strangeness at all."

Zheng Yiling also nodded with a smile, "That's right! It's really exactly the same, as if it was copied from a mold, it's amazing!"

Si Kou Yao smiled and said, "This is just the beginning. In the future, no matter where the branch halls are, they will be built according to the model of the main hall of Xianshan. Even if we go to the fairy world in the future, we will still build according to this model. No matter where you go to Si Kou Dian, you will not feel unfamiliar, and you will have a strong sense of belonging, what do you think?"

Everyone said "Yes" in unison.

Ye Tianling also asked with anticipation and hope, "Master, can we ascend to immortality one day?"

Si Kouyao glanced at them, smiled and encouraged them, "You are all very talented children, and you have worked very hard. What you have achieved now is much better than many people. As long as you continue to work hard, you will be able to Just like being a teacher, ascend to immortality."

Si Kouyao is already a true immortal, but she suppressed her cultivation and stayed on Earth as an inspector of the immortal world. Disciples like Ye Tianling naturally knew about it.

Therefore, they were not surprised to hear Si Kou Yao say that.

However, Haitang and some of the disciples recruited in Xunxian City who were waiting in the palace didn't know about it.

At this time, when they heard what Si Kouyao said, they all widened their eyes in shock.

Their hall master is actually a true immortal!Immortal!What a fairy!

Haitang also looked at Si Kouyao with envy and admiration, and said with admiration, "Sister Yaoyao, who is the person I admire most in this world? It must be you!"

The four little babies also grinned together and said, "We also admire Mommy the most!"

The seven disciples of Ye Tianling were not to be outdone, and immediately said, "We also admire Master the most! Master is the greatest person in our hearts!"

Si Kouyao saw that they were all vying to express their affection to her, so she couldn't help laughing and said, "Okay, okay, if you go on, I'll be so ashamed."

Everyone laughed out loud after being teased by her, "Hahahahaha..."

Next, Bai Yan had someone invite several main stewards of the branch hall, and asked them to come forward to meet Si Kou Yao one by one, "The disciple has met the master of the hall!"

Si Kou Yao also encouraged them, "I am very glad that you have chosen to join Si Kou Dian. As long as you work hard in Si Kou Dian, Si Kou Dian will not treat you badly."

(End of this chapter)

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