Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 766 It's his cheap mouth!Damn him!

Chapter 766 It's his cheap mouth!Damn him!
It seems that his attitude towards her should be more respectful, and he must not offend her, otherwise, there will be no good fruit to eat.

Looking at the end of Shi Tianying now, and thinking about the end of the Acacia faction in the future, Zhuo Qingmo's awe of Si Kou Yao deepened in his heart.

After the shock, Zhuo Qingmo smiled at Si Kou Yao with relief, "It turns out that the backstage background of the master of Si Kou Palace is also so tough, that's why I'm worrying too much."

Si Kouyao glanced at him with a smile, and thanked him sincerely, "No! I, Si Kouyao, will keep in mind the support and concern of the city lord for me. I have something to do today, so I won't chat with the city lord any more. Let's meet again some other day!"

After speaking, she stood up and was about to leave.

Zhuo Qingmo also stood up, nodded to her with a smile and said, "Okay! Let's meet again some other day! Master Si Kou, what about this person?"

Zhuo Qingmo pointed to Shi Tianying who was on the ground.

Si Kouyao snorted coldly, "Let him go back wherever he came from! Don't worry! Even if he wakes up, he won't dare to be a monster again!"

Zhuo Qingmo looked at Si Kou Yao's calm and confident face, and instantly understood, "I understand. Palace Master, please go slowly!"

Si Kou Yao didn't look back, but just raised her hand and waved at him.

Zhuo Qingmo sighed softly in his heart: The appearance of Si Kou Yao last time caused a huge wave in Xunxian City, forcing the Beichen family to retreat to thank guests.

The appearance of Si Kou Yao this time is about to come again. I don't know what kind of changes this stunningly talented woman will bring to Xunxian City?
While Zhuo Qingmo was meditating, Shi Tianying slowly opened his eyes, looking at the strange environment in a daze.

The next moment, he remembered what happened before he fell into a coma.

It's just that he was forcibly recognized by Si Kouyao, and the things he thinks now have some discrepancies with the real things.

What Shi Tianying now thinks is the following version: he went to Xunxianlou for dinner, and then saw his master entertaining the Thunder God mercenary group that he had always wanted to annex. In order to please the master, he paid the bill for the master.

Then, seeing the beauty of his master, he fell in love with him, and wanted to spend the night with him, but the master refused, so he yelled at him as a bitch without knowing what to do. The master was furious, and slapped him several times. He almost killed him, but fortunately, he begged desperately for mercy, and the master let him go.

When Shi Tianying thought of the fear and despair of being on the verge of death, he still felt terrified, and his whole body trembled again.

It's his mouth!Damn him!
How could he be so brain-twitching that he dared to offend a powerful master?

As soon as Shi Tianying thought of this, he raised his hand and slapped himself several times.

Zhuo Qingmo stared blankly, not knowing what tricks this Shi Tianying was up to. Could it be that he thought that the Lord Si Kou had not whipped him enough, so he wanted to smoke a few more mouths to enjoy himself?
His reaction was so wicked!
What made Zhuo Qingmo even more horrified was that when Shi Tianying stood up and found Zhuo Qingmo next to him, he immediately asked in surprise, "Master Zhuo, why are you here? Where is my master? She went to Where is it?"

Zhuo Qingmo asked a little puzzled, "Master Shi, who is your master?"

"It's the Lord Sikou! The Lord Sikou is my master!"

These two words of Shi Tianying made Zhuo Qingmo's eyes widen in shock.

This Shi Tianying, did he take the wrong medicine?
The master Si Kou slapped him severely, but he actually recognized the master Si Kou as his son? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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