Chapter 771 Conspiracy
"Master Shi, Lord Shi, what are you thinking? Can you please give me a word!"

Hearing Fairy Caixia's words, Shi Tianying came back to his senses, looked at the expectant eyes of the woman in front of him, and snorted coldly, "It's just the two of us? I'm afraid we can't deal with that Lord Sikou."

Seeing that he was relieved, Fairy Caixia immediately said excitedly, "Lord Shi, don't worry, I still have a few friends here, and they are willing to cooperate with us. When we get something, Lord Shi, you can take the lead. How about we take the small head?"

Shi Tianying stroked his chin in a deep gesture, "This can be considered!"

Fairy Caixia tentatively asked again, "Then how about I invite them over now, and let's discuss it together?"

Shi Tianying pretended to be cold and arrogant and nodded, "Okay! Call them over!"

Thinking that she had succeeded in her scheme, Fairy Caixia hurriedly called her other lovers over.

One is the master of the Nine Poison Sect——Wang Jian.

One is the master of the Thief Sect——Cai Qingcheng.

One is the leader of the Seven Sages - Chuge, past and present.

Shi Tianying knew the first three men.

But the last man was dressed in black, with a cloak, a hat, and his face covered, with only a pair of eyes exposed, which made him feel weird.

Shi Tianying also couldn't see who he was?

Even Si Kou Yao, who had been monitoring them with mental strength, couldn't help frowning when he saw the man in black appear.

This kind of attire is really similar to those modern demon cultivators. This masked man in black must be the demon cultivator here, right?

Seeing the man in black entering the room, Shi Tianying still covered his head and face, he couldn't help but said to Fairy Caixia, "Fairy, who is this friend? Why don't you introduce him?"

Fairy Caixia said with some embarrassment, "That, that..."

The man in black replied very coldly, "You don't need to care who I am, as long as you know, my purpose is to want Si Kou Yao to die, and I won't want anything else!"

Fairy Caixia looked at Shi Tianying again, as long as Shi Tianying had no objection, the other three men would not say anything.

It's a pity that Shi Tianying is not as easy-talking as she imagined.

"I'm sorry! If you don't even show your face or tell me your name, please forgive me for not being able to fight with you at ease. Who knows if you will stab me in the back?"

A trace of anger flashed in the eyes of the man in black, and then suppressed it again.

He slowly pulled down his hat, and took off his veil, revealing a ghostly pale face covered with scars.

Shi Tianying looked at the face that made people feel scalp numb, his mind suddenly lit up, and immediately asked, "Your Excellency, is Ye Shitian, the leader of the Heaven Killing Sect?"

Ye Shitian showed a piercing smile, his hoarse voice seemed to be burnt out, and his voice was extremely unpleasant, "Unexpectedly, someone actually recognizes me!"

Shi Tianying sneered, "Since everyone is here, let's sit down and discuss it! What should we do next? What is the division of labor? Fairy Caixia, you are the one who took the lead in this matter. You speak first!"

Fairy Caixia glared at him, then glanced at the men around her who had relationships with her before, and smiled softly, "Isn't that Bai Yan and Haitang's wedding in a few days! When the time comes, we will Let the master of the Thief secretly drug her, wait for her to pass out, then carry her out secretly, then kill her, and then we will divide the things."

 PS: Chapter 3 will be updated first, good night everyone!Ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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