Chapter 778 A Big Happy Event

Just like what Uncle Leng said to her, with her cultivation base, she will only be crushed in the fairy world. It is better to spend a few more years in the lower realm, wait for the disaster on the earth to pass, and when the time is right, she will ascend again. Upper bound as well.

But in her heart, she always missed her father.

As time passed, this longing became more and more intense and urgent.

As long as she thinks of her father, she will say, Dad, where are you?
Dad, are you all right?Are you ok?Are you ok?
I don't know if it's because of the blood relationship between father and daughter. Every time Si Kouyao calls for her father and misses her father, the old ancestral hall far above the Jiuchongtian has been kept in the care of her father. Si Kou Yu's sleeping soul in the soul bottle would tremble slightly, as if responding to Si Kou Yao's call.

But as long as Si Kouyao stops calling, his soul will soon return to a state of being motionless, and I don't know how long it will take for his soul to recover and truly wake up.

Si Kou Yao walked step by step to the lobby of the branch hall of Si Kou Hall.

The seats in the lobby are all representatives of famous sects and aristocratic families in Xunxian.

The Lingxiao Sword Sect is the sect that Haitang belongs to, and it is also the number one sect in Xunxian Country. The master Xuanlei Daoist has always been the head of the sect.

Just now Si Kouyao said that he was unwell, and he left in a hurry, he felt that something happened.

Seeing that Si Kou Yao was about to announce their alliance, the head of Xuan Lei became a little anxious. He was afraid that things would change, so he asked Ye Tianling to find Si Kou Yao, and told her to come here as soon as possible.

Ever since Ye Tianling went out, the head of Xuan Lei has been looking at the door.

When he saw Si Kou Yao's slender and beautiful figure finally appearing at the entrance of the lobby, he finally let out a long breath of depression in his heart.

Si Kouyao walked up to the head of Xuanlei, smiled apologetically at him, "Master Xuanlei, I'm really sorry! I didn't delay our business, did I?"

The head of Xuanlei smiled and said, "The palace master came in time, at the right time."

He smiled and stretched out his hand, "Master, please!"

Si Kouyao and head Xuanlei went to the top of the lobby and stood still.

As the lord of Si Kou Hall, Si Kou Yao had to personally explain the alliance between the two factions to the guests.

"Dear friends, thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedules to come to the wedding celebration of Bai Yan and Hai Tang. On this day of great joy, we would like to add joy to the occasion, so after me and Sect Leader Xuan Lei After negotiation, our Sikoudian and Lingxiao Sword Sect will become alliance friends, and in the future, our two factions will share weal and woe, advance and retreat together, and build a better tomorrow together."

When the representatives of the famous sects and wealthy families below heard the news of the powerful alliance between Si Kou Dian and Ling Xiao Sword Sect, their hearts were sour and their thoughts were complicated, and they didn't know how to react for a while.

The powerful combination of these two factions is indeed not good news for these sects!
Except for those who are on good terms with these two sects, who may be really happy for them, there are indeed few people from other sects who are really happy for them.

But no matter how unhappy they are in their hearts, they still have to do the superficial work!
Zhuo Qingmo, the lord of Xunxian City, was the first to react.

He laughed loudly, "Oh, the combination of the two factions is a great joy for us in Xunxian City!"

(End of this chapter)

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