Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 780 The Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts

Chapter 780 The Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts
Over time, the deepest part of the Ten Thousand Beast Forest became a forbidden place that no one dared to touch.

According to Thunder God, the Ten Thousand Beast Forest is divided into nine regions according to the class of beasts.

The first area is the lowest-level beast living area, the second area is the second-level beast living area, the third area is the third-level animal living area, and so on.

And the ninth district is the central area of ​​the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, and it is also the area where the Beastmaster of the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest is located.

They, members of the mercenary regiment, and some famous disciples who came to the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest to practice, only dared to hunt in the periphery or within the three districts.

Only masters dare to go to areas above the third area to take more precious elixir or hunt ferocious beasts.

After listening to Thor's introduction, Si Kouyao said with a faint smile, "Then let's start sweeping from the third district!"

"Third District?"

After Leishen was stunned for a moment, he understood Si Kouyao and his group's formidable cultivation.

People with such a high level of cultivation like them definitely disdain to waste time in places like the first and second districts. If you want to challenge, you must start from a place of value.

The air speeder they took flew all the way without stopping for a moment.

It wasn't until the third area of ​​the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest that Si Kou Yao found a wide open space and controlled the flying car to land slowly.

Lei Shen, Ma Dapao, and Hu Zi secretly marveled in their hearts. It is indeed a fairy-level flying car, but it can be big or small, and the speed is extremely fast. They came here from Xunxian City, but it took only a cup of tea.

Moreover, just now he heard from Palace Master Si Kou that this fairy-level flying car, as long as it has enough energy, can carry tens of thousands of people at a time without any problem.

No wonder everyone in this world is eager to get a fairy weapon. The powerful energy of the fairy weapon is really yearning.

It's a pity that there is no one in this continent who can own a fairy weapon.


Now the Lord Sikou Palace who was born in the sky has a fairy weapon, and the Murong family also got a fairy sword because of the dowry gift from Bai Yanxia of Sikou Palace.

I'm afraid that the Murong family will also become the target of many people's secret attention in the future, maybe when, just like the missing head of the Lingxiao Sword Sect, even the person and the fairy weapon are gone.

They can all imagine how frighteningly crazy people in this entire continent sometimes go in order to obtain a fairy artifact.

Si Kouyao let them get out of the car, and then put the flying car into the space.

Then, she started arranging people to form teams.

She, the four little babies, Ye Tianling's seven disciples, and the sixteen members of the Thor Mercenary Corps made a total of 28 people.

As the commander-in-chief, she will not join the team, monitor the situation of each team, and save whichever team is in danger.

The other 27 people can just be divided into three teams.

Thunder God, Ma Dapao, and Beard are familiar with the three districts, and they have a map of the Forest of Beasts with them, so one of each group acts as a guide.

The four little babies and Ye Tianling were also divided into three teams.

The first team is temporarily captained by Thor.

The second team was temporarily captained by Ye Tianling.

Dong Xihe is temporarily the captain of the three teams.

Si Kouyao also said to them, "You three teams are here for a game, come back here before sunset, and see which team hunts the most animals and has the highest value, and I will give rewards to which team, I hope you all If you can work hard to win this honor and award, let’s go!”

The three teams did not delay, and each chose a direction to move forward.

(End of this chapter)

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