Chapter 796
The potion Jiang Ruofeng mentioned was a secret medicine from the devil world.

Once a human being takes it, just at the beginning, the person who takes it will feel full of energy, as if the whole person is young.

After a year, the potion lurking in his body began to take effect.

They will want to drink raw blood and eat raw meat. The saliva, blood, and even the air they breathe are highly contagious.

They're going to be scarier than those apocalyptic zombies in TV movies.

After all, most of the zombies are ignorant, and they not only have the terrifying infectiousness of zombies, but also retain the intelligence and wisdom of humans.

When this battle is fought, it can be expected that it will definitely be very tragic!

Si Kouyao entrusted Bai Yan and Haitang with the task of establishing the Spiritual Grass Garden and the Beast Garden.

In the end, she also told them that the Heaven Killing Sect had been destroyed by her, and the God Thief Sect, the Nine Poison Sect, the Seven Sacred Sect, and the Hehuan Sect had all been eliminated by her.

All the properties of these sects were looted by Si Kou Yao.

As for those disciples whose souls had been blackened, Si Kou Yao directly killed them.

Those who were not blackened were also cast a spiritual spell by the head of Si Kou Yao, making them defect to Si Kou Hall, be loyal to Si Kou Hall, and become Si Kou Hall's disciples.

The gathering of people from these sects will become a rapidly growing force in Si Kou Dian.

Haitang, a local aboriginal, was even more shocked after hearing what Si Kouyao said.

Several medium-sized sects, sister Yaoyao actually swallowed it as soon as she said it, without spending a single soldier, only her strength alone, it is really terrible!

Even if the entire Lingxiao Sword Sect wants to accomplish such a major event, it may not be able to do it so secretly and successfully.

After arranging all this, Si Kouyao said to Bai Yan and Haitang, "I will bring them back to Earth tomorrow. After a while, I will bring them over again. If there is anything, we will use the communicator to contact you."

Bai Yan and Haitang nodded together, "Okay."

Si Kouyao told Haitang again, "Haitang, before the Spiritual Beast Garden and the Spiritual Medicine Garden are built, our business will continue as usual. However, I think the Spiritual Beast Garden mainly cultivates some high-level spirit beasts, and those that are used to eat You may still need to buy low-level spirit beasts in the future, and we can also benefit from each other, right?"

This is also a decision that Si Kou Yao made after thinking about it.

Before, she thought about asking Si Kou Dian to set up a spirit beast breeding farm to feed people on the other side of the earth.

But thinking about it later, it's not worthwhile for her to spend so much manpower and material resources to raise some low-level spirit beasts.

It's better to leave the low-level spirit beasts to Haitang, and Sikoudian specializes in breeding high-level spirit beasts.

Now that Qingxu Beastmaster has been subdued, it will be easy to want all kinds of spirit beasts in the future.

Furthermore, this time she swept through the Ten Thousand Beast Forest, she also collected countless high-level spirit beasts in the space. According to the reproduction speed of the space, a large number of spirit beasts could be harvested soon.

Haitang also breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Si Kou Yao's words.

When she heard Si Kouyao talk about building the Beast Garden, she was worried that the deal between the two would be broken.

Si Kou Yao is her big client!
She still needs to rely on Si Kou Yao to upgrade her system, if the deal is really cut off, then she will have no place to cry.

Although, compared to her getting a beautiful boy Bai Yan, even if she loses Si Kouyao's big deal, it's nothing. Anyway, she can continue to develop business channels in other planes.

(End of this chapter)

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