Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 815 The Terrible Major General Vance

Chapter 815 The Terrible Major General Vance
The elf's small voice rang urgently in Si Kou Yao's mind instantly, "Master, master, please pay attention! Please pay attention! You have been locked by the air battleship! You have been locked by the air battleship! You have been locked by the air battleship Please leave quickly! Leave quickly! Leave quickly!"

Si Kouyao discussed with Xiao Xiao with her thoughts, "Xiao Xiao, I didn't find that they were malicious, do you want to communicate with them before making a decision?"

Xiao Xiao hurriedly said, "No! Please leave quickly! Please leave quickly! I have already heard that they want to capture you back! It is capture!!! Do you understand?"

When Si Kou Yao heard the word "capture", she also felt bad.

Regardless of whether the other party is malicious or not, the word "capture" is used, and the air battleship is released. Does the other party not treat her as a human being?
Before she could figure out the other party's intentions, Si Kouyao immediately cast an invisibility technique, followed by teleportation, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

At the moment when Si Kouyao disappeared, the air warship and the intelligent mastermind of the military department that had already locked on Si Kouyao, the alarm beeped at the same time, "The target disappeared! The target disappeared! The target disappeared! Please search quickly! Search quickly! Search quickly!" !"

Major General Vance, who had just received the news and rushed to the monitoring room of the military headquarters, heard the radar found a primitive pure-blooded female. The joy, excitement and excitement in his heart didn't last long before he heard the sad news that the target had disappeared. .

On his handsome face that was as cold as a knife, there was a biting coldness, "What's going on? Why did people disappear suddenly?"

The intelligent mastermind of the military department replied, "Dear Major General Vance, unfortunately, this mastermind tells you the fact that this original pure-blooded female has powerful energy, and she can also teleport, so she escaped our capture. !"

Major General Vance shouted sharply, "Then find her for me! No matter what price you pay, you must find her for me! You must find her!!!"

Primitive pure-blooded females are thousands of times rarer than rare animals.

And the original pure-blooded female with huge energy is even more the top baby that the entire alliance planet has tried so hard to get their hands on!
Once found, absolutely absolutely absolutely not to be missed! ! !

In the entire alliance planet, for many years, there has been no trace of a primitive pure-blood female, let alone a primitive pure-blood female with great energy.

But now?

They finally found one, but she escaped again!How can this be? ? ?

Rear Admiral Vance immediately ordered the air warships, "Find her for me! At all costs, find her right away!!! Be careful, this news must not be leaked! Otherwise, deal with it with the highest military law! Did you hear that?"

"As you order, Major General."

Xiaoxiao played the content of the channel he accessed to Si Kouyao, and Si Kouyao asked Xiaoxiao suspiciously, "What is a primitive pure-blood female? What is the role of this primitive pure-blood female? Why are they so nervous? Must catch me?"

Xiaoxiao quickly pulled out the information of this plane, and then explained to her, "Primitive pure-blooded females are females who retain the most perfect human bloodlines. On this alliance planet, green plants began to grow gradually 1000 years ago. Disappeared, and slowly disappeared along with it, and the fertility of human females."

(End of this chapter)

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