Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 818 I Worship You as a True God!

Chapter 818 I Worship You as a True God!
This magnificent palace-like home is very beautiful and spacious, but it is not popular at all. Except for a genius Peter Pan, there are only a few domestic robots.

Si Kouyao asked casually, "Peter Pan, your house is so big, are you alone here?"

The genius Peter Pan smiled and nodded, "Yes, my father, my mother, and my brother have all gone to work, and I am the only one at home."

Si Kou Yao asked again, "Then what do you do at home every day? Just play computer?"

The genius Peter Pan smiled and replied, "Computer? Computers are all ancient products. We call them optical brains here, and the network is called a star network, which can connect the star network of the entire alliance star. For me, an optical brain is almost All of my life, since I got the system, there are more fun things."

Si Kou Yao blinked, her eyes were as bright as autumn water, shining brightly, and she asked him again with a smile, "What do you think is so interesting about the system?"

The genius Peter Pan replied with a high expression, "For example: you can buy a lot of things that our alliance planets don't have, as well as food, use, and play. Even my body is also because of buying your spiritual spring water and spiritual wine. I became healthy with those spiritual foods, I like to study these things to see if they are useful to the people in our alliance?"

Si Kou Yao asked again, "What about your final research results?"

The genius Peter Pan smiled bitterly, "Of course it is useful, but unfortunately, many things cannot be copied, just like your spiritual spring water, there are some substances in it, we will never have it here..."

Speaking of this, the genius Peter Pan stared at her face again, "Can you change back to your original appearance? I don't like this strange appearance."

Si Kouyao nodded, and after a sudden change, she changed back to her original appearance that was overwhelming and full of fairy spirit.

When the genius Peter Pan saw the real person, his eyes immediately sparkled with starlight, "Wow! People on Earth, you look much better in real life than in the video. Are all the people on your planet as beautiful as you?"

Si Kou Yao shook her head, "Of course not, I belong to the good-looking one."

The genius Peter Pan looked at her thoughtfully, let out a soft "oh", and then asked cautiously, "Are there many women over there?"

Si Kou Yao nodded, "The ratio of male to female is 12:10, not too far apart."

The genius Peter Pan thought of the problems his father and the others had been worrying about, and asked anxiously, "Then do you have anything that can improve the fertility situation?"

Si Kouyao didn't understand, and asked again, "Which one do you mean?"

The genius Peter Pan replied, "Just drugs or other things that can promote girls to have more girls!"

Si Kou Yao's eyes lit up, "Genius Peter Pan, do you want to improve the fertility status of your planet?"

The genius Peter Pan nodded vigorously, "Yes! Our alliance planet is very advanced, but women are extremely rare. Even if we use all kinds of methods, there is no way to increase the chance of giving birth to women. If this continues , If we can’t think of a solution, then our entire alliance planet will be finished sooner or later.”

Si Kou Yao blinked at him, and asked with a smile, "If I said, I have a solution to the problems that plague your entire planet, what would you do?"

The genius Peter Pan said with a serious face, "If you really have a way to help us change this reproductive state, our entire alliance planet will definitely regard you as a true god!"

(End of this chapter)

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