Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 827 She is a goddess from an alien 1

Chapter 827 She is a goddess from an alien 1
When the whole family ate up the last soup and water on the plate, they touched their bellies one by one and sighed with satisfaction.

Fan Qing looked at Si Kouyao with bright eyes, "Goddess Yaoyao, the delicious food you cook is really delicious in the world, it is so delicious! I feel that I have spent the past twenty years in vain. "

Fan Yu also looked at Si Kouyao, sighed and said, "Goddess Yaoyao, after eating your delicious food, how can you let me drink the nutrient solution in the future? Wuwuwu, if I don't have your delicious food, I'm afraid I'll be alive." I can't go down..."

Major General Vance looked at Si Kouyao with burning eyes, and asked her again, "Goddess Yaoyao, please stay with us, no matter what conditions you ask, we will agree."

In the end, Fan Jinhao, the head of the planet, also said to her earnestly and sincerely, "Miss Si Kou, with 12 points of sincerity, we implore you to stay!"

Si Kou Yao shook her head slightly, and said with a smile, "It's impossible for the time being. My lover and I are as important as the head of the planet in our empire. We can't leave there for the time being. However, you want delicious food It’s not impossible, at that time, we can do it through cross-planetary foreign trade transactions.”

The eyes of the four members of the Fan family lit up instantly, and they asked in surprise one by one, "Is it really possible? Is it possible? Is it possible?"

Si Kou Yao nodded with a smile, "I will facilitate these things as soon as possible, so that our bilateral planetary cooperation can be successful."

Fan Jinhao slapped the table happily, "That's great! Miss Si Kou, I'll be waiting for your good news."

Next, Si Kou Yao showed them the drinks on Earth, such as spiritual tea, coffee, fruit juice and so on.

Of course, spirit tea, coffee, and life juice are all sold in her plane store. The genius Peter Pan has bought a lot before, and they are no strangers to drinking them.

However, Si Kouyao used the authentic method of brewing tea and coffee, and the brewed tea and coffee were different, so that they could experience another different taste when they drank it.

The delicacy that night left an unforgettable impression in the hearts of the family of four.

They had to admit that they were overwhelmed by the delicacies made by Si Kou Yao.

the next day.

In order to eat delicious food again, the four members of the Fan family expressed that they were more attentive.

They led her to visit other factories, and they almost responded to Si Kou Yao's requests, answered every question, and fully cooperated.

When it was time for the dinner, under the strong request of the Fan family of four, Si Kouyao made a lot of delicacies to entertain the guests.

Moreover, she also made an album of the reactions of the top executives of the alliance planet to these delicacies.

She plans to use delicious food to attract high-tech personnel to work in Huatian Empire.

Even if they are willing to work for a year or so, it is enough for them to develop.

And at the dinner party on this day, the great news about Si Kouyao being a primitive pure-blooded female with great energy, her coming from a beautiful alien planet, and her ability to change the status quo of the alliance planet, with the permission of the planetary leader Fan Jinhao, It was released to the entire alliance planet through the media and Star Network.

The entire alliance planet seemed to have encountered a strong earthquake in an instant.

This good news, like a hurricane, swept through the people of the entire alliance planet.

The people of the Alliance planet are discussing enthusiastically on the star network.

"My God! Is this good news true?"

"Do we really have a chance to marry a pure-blooded female in the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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