Chapter 829

"Madam, welcome back!"

Si Kouyao greeted Xiao Chuntian and his subordinates with a smile first, and then asked Xiao Chuntian, "President Xiao, are the guest rooms ready?"

Xiao Chuntian replied respectfully, "Everything is ready, you can move in at any time."

Si Kouyao nodded in satisfaction, and told him, "Very well, then you can take them in first, and then arrange someone to take them around the scenic spots in the capital for a few days, and serve them first-class fruits every day. Vegetables and meals, they are technicians from extraterrestrials, so don’t neglect them.”

Xiao Chuntian respectfully replied, "Understood."

Xiaoshi Hotel is a well-known comprehensive entertainment hotel ranked among the top five in the country.

It covers an area of ​​38 square meters and is 99 floors high. There are business apartments, office areas, hotel areas, entertainment areas, sightseeing restaurants, revolving restaurants, large shopping supermarkets, financial banks and so on.

When Xiao Chuntian saw the genetically perfect alien men stepping off the air speeder, he couldn't help cursing in his heart, "These alien elite men all have such a standard figure and appearance. When they come, I'm afraid It will be popular all over the country! At that time, those women will probably jump on it..."

He took another look at his belly that had become more and more protruding over the years, and then looked at the benchmark-like figures of others, and couldn't help but let out a soft sigh again, it's really irritating to compare people to others!

Although Xiao Chuntian slandered these alien beauties in his heart, it didn't affect his work speed at all.

He first introduced himself to these alien beauties very politely, and then introduced the details of Xiao's Hotel to them, and then asked his subordinates to register them one by one, and then distributed them the tickets for staying in the hotel door card.

Si Kouyao was afraid that these alien beauties would have accidents here, and he also prevented them with strong mental and physical skills from causing trouble in this plane, so he planted spiritual imprints on the bodies of these 2000 alien beauties.

As long as they have a hint of danger or a murderous look, she can sense it at any time.

With her and Xiao Chifeng's current abilities, monitoring a provincial capital is a piece of cake, let alone just an imperial capital.

Si Kouyao also sent a team of spirit bees to follow these alien beauties at all times, just in case she was not able to monitor the situation in time when she had something to do.

After arranging them, Si Kouyao teleported to the office of the Presidential Palace to find her dear husband.

At this time, Xiao Chifeng was receiving President Alderson from the American Empire, and was discussing with him about cooperation between the two countries.

Since Si Kou Dian and Si Kou Yao are the communication hubs, the conversation between the two parties was very pleasant.

Today's Huatian Empire is no longer the former Huatian Empire. No one dares to invade the territory of Huatian Empire, and no one dares to underestimate the people of Huatian Empire.

Even Oderson, when talking about the cooperation between the two parties, took the initiative to make concessions in many places.

Xiao Chifeng sensed Si Kouyao's return early in the morning, and he was anxious, but the negotiation was at a critical moment, and he couldn't leave immediately.

He finally endured his patience and finished talking with them. When he was about to find Si Kouyao, he found that his wife had teleported to him.

Xiao Chifeng and Alderson made an appointment to have lunch together, and hurried back to his office in an instant.

When he saw the woman sitting on the sofa and looking at him with a smile, Xiao Chifeng suddenly felt a heat in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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