Chapter 847
They were extremely grateful to Si Kou Yao, who had the ability to change the reproductive status of their alliance planet, and they didn't know what to do to repay her great kindness to the entire alliance planet.

After discussing with her family, they felt that only by honoring her in the name of the true god and worshiping her would they be worthy of her amazing achievements.

Afterwards, Fan Jinhao announced to the entire alliance planet that Si Kouyao was a real goddess sent by the heavens to help them improve the fertility status of the planet, named Yaoyao True God.

He also asked all the people on the Alliance planet to worship her, and those who want to get the original pure-blooded females have to pray to the True God Yaoyao and ask her to bless them so that they can get what they want.

At the moment when Earl Jager's oath fell, they found that the shadow of the flying car slowly appeared in the sky.

As the gorgeous sky car got closer and closer, Fan Yu took the lead in cheering, "Here they come, everyone, look, they are here..."

"It's fine if you come, it's fine if you come, it's fine if you come..."

"Please bless Yaoyao, and give me a perfect primitive pure-blooded female!"

"God bless Yaoyao, I also want a primitive pure-blooded female, please, give it to me! Give it to me! Give it to me!"

Si Kouyao, who was on the air speeder, found that the moment she arrived on this alliance planet this time, the power of faith was "crawling" straight up.

Si Kouyao was both surprised and delighted, she didn't know what was going on, so she hurriedly asked Xiao Xiao, "Xiao Xiao, what's going on?"

As soon as Xiaoxiao connected to the star network here, he found out the reason.

She happily said to Si Kouyao, "Master, this Brahma family is really interesting. They installed a seat of Yaoyao True God for you, saying that if you want to get the original pure-blooded female, you must pray to you. Now the entire alliance planet There are many, many people who believe in you, the true God, and expect that you, the true God, can bring them hope and good news, so that they can all have a female!"

Looking at the soaring power of faith on the system data board, Xiaoxiao exclaimed, "Master, if you continue to develop like this, you will be able to gain astronomical power of faith in this plane, which is great! That's great! Maybe these powers of faith will end up with more merit points than the system rewards you, hahaha, what a surprise, what a surprise!"

When Si Kou Yao heard it, she was also ecstatic, "Really? Then in this way, my merit value will increase very quickly?"

Xiao Xiao responded excitedly, "That's absolutely!"

Si Kouyao was suddenly so moved that she wanted to cry.

There used to be a famous saying on earth, "Give someone a rose, and your hand will have a lingering fragrance."

This sentence roughly means that when you help others, you will also be scented, warm and happy.

It turns out that not only can she get merit points for saving people and help others improve their lives, but she can also get the power of faith.

Si Kou Yao once heard a small novel, and this power of faith can not only increase merit, but also a good thing to establish her godhood.

The more people believe in her, the more power of faith she can get, and the more power of merit and virtue in her body, the more stable the godhead will be.

For example, if she is a true immortal, she possesses the power of faith and merit, and if she establishes her godhead, she will be much stronger than people of the same cultivation level, and the spells she casts will also be stronger than others, and she can instantly kill her peers opponents can even leapfrog to kill.

 PS: 8 updates are complete, please ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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