Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 851 I love him so much!deeply love!

Chapter 851 I love him so much!deeply love!

If she really dared to develop any relationship here on the Alliance Planet, if Xiao Chifeng found out, she would have to be chopped off.

Besides, she didn't want such a good fortune either.

She still prefers the kind of relationship where two people are single-minded, trust each other, and never leave.

Major General Vance said disapprovingly, "You don't want so many beautiful men, and you like your spouse so much?"

Si Kou Yao nodded very seriously, "Yes! I love him very much! Very much!"

In the depths of Major General Vance's deep blue eyes, a trace of disdain flashed, and there was also a trace of unwillingness, "What kind of ability does he have that can make you so determined? When will you ask him to come over and PKPK with me?"

Si Kouyao glanced at him up and down, then shook her head, "Major General Fansi, although you are strong, you are not his opponent!"

Major General Vance sneered, "Really? I don't believe what I say is unfounded!"

Si Kou Yao smiled slightly, "If you don't believe me, you can fight me. If you can't beat me, then don't try to beat him."

"Fight with you?"

Major General Vance glanced at her up and down, and said with contempt, "Are you okay? I'm afraid I'll hurt you with an iron fist!"

Si Kouyao laughed lightly, laughing at his overreaching, "You can try it and see if you have the ability to defeat me!"

Major General Vance narrowed his eyes, his eyes were like a monster that wanted to eat people in An Ye, staring at her dangerously.

He really had never seen a female who was so tough, who dared to speak to him in such a disdainful tone, and even dared to fight him.

If he refuses to fight, once word spreads, won't he lose all face and face?
Major General Vance stood up and looked at her condescendingly, "Okay! Then I will give you a chance to try your skills. Don't cry if you lose!"

Si Kouyao also stood up with a faint smile, and stretched out her hand slightly, "Major General Fansi, please!"

Fan Jinhao saw that the two of them were talking, and they were about to fight, and he was afraid that Si Kouyao would be angry, so he glared at his eldest son angrily and reprimanded, "Vansi, are you hungry? How dare you look for Yaoyao?" Goddess Yao challenge? Do you want to court death?"

Major General Fansi glanced at his family indifferently, and asked with a wicked smile, "Don't you want to see Goddess Yaoyao's peerless demeanor in battle?"

As soon as he said this, the eyes of Fan Jinhao, Fan Yu and Fan Qing all lit up.

They really wanted to see how strong Si Kou Yao was?
She was able to cross planes, so she must have amazing strength, but they didn't know how amazing it was.

If Vance makes a move, he must be able to test her depth.

Star leader Fan Jinhao obviously wants to know the limit of her strength, but on the surface he is still scolding Fan Si, "You bastard, you really think you are great after a little achievement? You really don't know the heights of heaven and earth!"

He turned his head and said to Si Kouyao, "Goddess Yaoyao, you should teach him a lesson for me, and give me a hard pump later, to see if he still dares to be proud?"

Si Kouyao saw their father and son singing together, if she didn't show her strength, I'm afraid they would really dislike her.

She winked slyly at Fan Jinhao, and said with a slight smile, "Okay, I will teach him a lesson for you! Major General Fan Si, please! Don't cry if you lose in a while!"

When Major General Vance saw that she returned what he had just said to her, he couldn't help but chuckled, "Okay, let's see who will cry later?"

(End of this chapter)

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