Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 853 Major General Vance, are you convinced yet?

Chapter 853 Major General Vance, are you convinced yet?

The opponent he met today was her!

He was doomed to suffer the fate of failure!
Fan Jinhao, the star leader Fan Jinhao, Fan Yu, and Fan Qing, who were on the sidelines, saw that Fansi's fist was hitting Si Kouyao in the face, but she still stood there as if she hadn't noticed. There, I was so scared that my heart jumped up.

Brother, take it easy, don't really destroy this stunning beauty, Goddess Yaoyao!
Under their shocked eyes, they saw that Vance's fist had hit Si Kou Yao's pretty face.

Fan Qing and Fan Yu were so frightened that they closed their eyes for an instant, not daring to look any further.

But Star Master Fan Jinhao stared his eyes as big as a small lantern, but when he saw Van Si's fist hit Si Kou Yaoqiao's face, he went straight through.

Vance's attack was too hasty, after his fist passed through, his body also passed through Si Kou Yao's body.

Fan Jinhao and Fan Si realized in horror at the same time that Si Kou Yao in front of him had changed from a real body to a phantom at some point.

And they didn't notice it!
What about her?
Vance instantly felt the chills all over his body stand on end. This is the trembling in his heart that he would only have when he met the most ferocious wormhole beast and was stared at by the beast.

But now, Si Kouyao, this delicate beauty, gave him a terrifying feeling like a wormhole beast.

He finally realized now that Si Kou Yao, a female, he underestimated her too much before!
Si Kou Yao is definitely the strongest opponent he has ever met!none of them!

If Si Kouyao knew what he was thinking, she would definitely say, "Congratulations, you finally have this awareness!"

Just as Vance turned around abruptly, looking for Si Kou Yao's figure, he saw Si Kou Yao standing in front of him with a smile on his face.

If it was said before, Vance would have found Si Kou Yao's gentle smile very charming.

So now, Van Si felt that Si Kou Yao's smile was very scary!
Just like a goblin who can confuse people, if he is not careful, he will be swallowed by her.

Si Kou Yao hooked his fingers at him, "Come on, keep coming, let me see how strong you, the number one warrior in the galaxy, are!"

When Vance heard her say the number one warrior of the galaxy, he suddenly felt a little hot in his ears.

The honorary title that usually makes him extremely proud, but now it comes out of her mouth, seems to be full of irony.

He feels very aggrieved!

It has been a long time since I have tasted this uncomfortable feeling of being unable to breathe out.

He has always been the one who beat others down, but today, he couldn't even touch the corner of his clothes.

The aggrieved, angry and resentful Major General Vance clenched his fists.

Gathering up his strength, he roared at Si Kou Yao, "Look at the trick..."

His speed this time was as fast as a phantom, and he was also mentally suppressed, trying to attack Si Kouyao with explosive energy and spiritual energy at the same time.


Major General Vance's desperate move failed again.

He still didn't even touch the corner of Si Kou Yao's clothes!

He still didn't even know when Si Kou Yao changed shape and position!
"Ow ooh..."

This time, he didn't stop, and relied on his instinct to capture Si Kou Yao's breath.

However, one trick failed, two tricks failed, and three tricks still failed...

He doesn't believe in evil!

Keep chasing!

Still fail!Frustrated!Frustrated! ! !

Major General Vance, who has always been strong and unyielding, has blood-red eyes, full of aggrieved and anger, and has nowhere to vent.

At this moment, he suddenly heard Si Kou Yao yell...

(End of this chapter)

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