Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 863 Arriving in Datang for the first time, reaching out to save people

Chapter 863 Arriving in Datang for the first time, reaching out to save people

This time, Si Kouyao did not immediately contact Miss Datang, but casually walked around and looked around, and released her mental power to silently investigate the situation in all directions.

Suddenly, she saw a remote small village in front of her. There was a dilapidated courtyard gate surrounded by many people, as if they were watching something lively.

Her mental power was also locked there, and she looked over.

I saw a mean-looking old woman in her 60s and [-]s, pointing at a worn-out and skinny woman and three pitifully small girls, and yelling, "You bastard, hurry up and take your three little girls!" You little loser, get out! Get out! Get out! If you don’t get out, I’ll beat you to death with a broom!!!”

Si Kou Yao hid her figure, moved to this side in an instant, and stood quietly on the side, watching the development of the matter.

I saw the skinny woman knelt down straight towards the old woman, kept kowtowing to her, begging and shouting, "Mother-in-law, please, don't drive us away, please, Don't drive us away, please leave a way for our mothers to survive..."

The old woman looked at the woman whose head was bleeding, but she didn't have any sympathy. Instead, she looked at her with a look of disgust and continued to curse, "Broom star, hurry up, we don't have so much rations to support you If you don’t leave, I’m really going to take a broom!”

After finishing speaking, the old woman really rushed in, took out a broom, and hit the woman hard several times.

The woman's three little daughters cried out in fright, "Mother, mother, mother..."

"Grandma, don't hit my mother, don't hit my mother..."

"Little brat, I'm not your grandma, get out! Get out!"

While scolding, the old woman kicked the little girl about three years old hard, kicking the skinny and pitiful child to the ground.

At this time, the onlookers couldn't see it.

"Yang family, you are too cruel, even kicking such a small child, be careful when your son comes back to settle accounts with you at night!"

Mrs. Yang gave a harsh "bah" to the middle-aged woman who was talking, "Talky woman, my family's business is none of your business, there is no need for you to talk too much!"

Si Kouyao sighed inwardly when she saw that skinny woman was about to faint.

With a light leap, she gracefully floated down in front of Mrs. Yang and the others.

The onlookers suddenly saw a woman as beautiful as a fairy descending from the sky, their eyes widened and they were dumbfounded in disbelief.

Some people thought it was their eyes dazzled, and stretched out their hands to rub their eyes.

But they realized that they were not mistaken, there really was a woman as beautiful as a fairy appearing in front of them.

A thought popped into their minds, who is this beauty?
How could such a beautiful fairy like her appear in their remote mountain village?
Si Kouyao didn't care what these people were thinking, she walked up to the woman who was still kneeling and kowtowing, and stretched out her hand to help her up, "Sister-in-law, stop kneeling and get up first!"

The woman who was too hungry and kowtowed until her head became dizzy looked at Si Kou Yao who was as beautiful as a fairy in front of her with misty eyes, and she also thought that she was dazzled.

She murmured, "I don't have dazzle, do I? Did I see a fairy?"

The three skinny girls who surrounded her hurriedly said innocently, "Mother, you are not dazzled, it is the fairy sister who is here, she must have come to save us!"

(End of this chapter)

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