Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 866 Helping the Abandoned Woman Counterattack 2

Chapter 866 Helping the Abandoned Woman Counterattack 2
After she knelt down by herself, she asked her three daughters to kneel down side by side to thank Si Kouyao.

After the three little girls ate the cakes produced in the space just now, they felt more energetic and had more strength to speak.

The three little children arched their little hands together, facing Si Kou Yao, imitating the way adults speak, and said in a childlike voice, "Thank you fairy for saving my life, the little girl will never forget it!"

Si Kouyao saw that although they were dressed in rags and skinny, they still had the same politeness as they should have, and felt even more distressed for them.

In such a poor family, this woman raised the child so well, Si Kou Yao also looked at her differently.

She reached out and stroked the heads of the three children, and said with a smile, "Good! You are all good children!"

The old lady Yang, who had been looking at them with cold eyes and anger, saw that Si Kouyao and her daughter-in-law ignored her, and saw that they were about to leave, so she rushed forward angrily to beg for favors.

"Stop, you can't go! You can only go if you give me money! You..."

Si Kouyao flicked her fingers lightly, and a burst of spiritual power turned into a sharp needle, which instantly pierced the old lady Yang's throat.

Old lady Yang's voice stopped abruptly.

Si Kou Yao said to her softly, "You woman, you have no eyes, no virtue in your mouth, today I will do justice for the heavens, punish you well, and make you dumb for three years. Change, then, your time of death is coming."

The people around could hear these words clearly, and they couldn't help but gloated and said with a gloating smile, "It's what she deserves! Who made her so bad."

When old lady Yang heard Si Kouyao's words that she would be punished for being dumb for three years, she was so frightened that she collapsed on the ground.

Si Kouyao summoned her spiritual power again, turned into an auspicious cloud, and pulled the woman and three daughters up together.

Under everyone's envious and shocked eyes, he stepped on the auspicious clouds and flew directly into the sky.

"Oh my god! The fairy really took them to heaven!"

"Their luck is too good!"

"What is this called, a blessing in disguise!"

"Mother, why didn't the fairy take us away?"

"That's because they have had such a miserable life, so the fairy also pities them..."

"Then let's live a little bit harder. Will the fairy take pity on us?"

"You are stupid, we will have a good life if we work hard on our own. After the fairy is gone, I don't know when she will come back! Maybe you can't wait for her to come back all your life. Why don't you work hard on your own and earn money to support your family and marry her?" daughter in law!"

"Mother is very reasonable..."

Si Kouyao couldn't help but want to laugh when she heard the discussion of the people below.

Most people are still very sensible and measured. They know how to use their own hands to work hard and make money. Such people will not live too badly no matter what.

When they could not see the scenery below, Si Kouyao led them into the space and landed directly in the large living room on the other side of the training building.

Si Kouyao asked them to sit down, and asked the household robot to bring them tea.

Seeing the trembling appearance of their mother and child, Si Kouyao smiled and said to them, "Don't worry, this is my cave, no one will hurt you anymore, you just stay here, and I will let Dumb I will take you around to get to know the place, and you will live and study here for the time being, so don’t worry.”

Only then did she remember to ask the woman's name, "I don't know how to call my sister-in-law?"

(End of this chapter)

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