Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 877 Si Kou Yao’s Way of Repaying Gratitude 2

Chapter 877 Si Kou Yao’s Way of Repaying Gratitude 2
Lin Qing, the head of the dark guard who Gong Chen came to report to, smiled and said, "We have received the notice from the fairy that Fairy Yaoyao will come to our house as a guest in a while, please give me orders to cheer up and guard the surrounding area. Let people make trouble, we must treat Fairy Yaoyao well."

A gleam of light flashed in Lin Qing's sharp eyes, "Really? That's great! I'll send someone down to prepare right away, and I'm sure there won't be any leaks."

Gong Chen waved to Lin Qing, "Go!"

The fact that Fairy Yaoyao is coming to the Prince Chen's Mansion as a guest spreads all over the Prince Chen Manor in the blink of an eye.

Everyone in the Chen Palace was very excited.

Princess Chen Tang Huiniang was also very excited when she heard the news.

She asked Gong Chen, "Master, can I invite my father, brother and mother to come over as guests, and let them pay a visit to the fairy?"

Gong Chen looked at the anticipation on the lady's beautiful and heroic face, so he couldn't help but nodded, and said softly to her, "Yes, you can send someone to inform the father-in-law that they should come quickly! The fairy will be here soon."

Princess Chen happily replied, "Yes, I will send someone to invite them over right away."

General Tang's Mansion.

The people in the mansion were also sitting in the hall at this time, discussing endlessly because Fairy Yaoyao appeared and dropped the spirit fruit.

The heroic General Tang asked his eldest son Tang Lei, "Lei'er, what do you think of Fairy Yaoyao's landing in this city?"

Tang Lei is also a general under the command of his father Tang Jiajun.

He is tall, with a resolute appearance, sharp edges and corners, and a pair of eyes full of restraint and wisdom.

Hearing his father's question, Tang Lei replied in a deep voice, "I think it should be a good thing that this fairy will appear in our city."

General Tang sighed, "I'm just afraid that this is too good. At that time, it will cause some people's jealousy and hatred, and it will turn into a man-made disaster."

Tang Ming, the second son of the Tang family, is a calmer and calmer person, and he is more cautious when thinking about things.

He echoed his father's words, "Father's worry is also reasonable, let's wait and see what happens!"

Tang Liang, the eldest son of the Tang family, said with a smile: "Father, the current emperor is no longer the stupid and ruthless former emperor, but a wise and wise emperor. will be turned away."

At this moment, the butler led Princess Chen's confidant maid, Zhuye, into the room, "General, miss sent servants over to spread the word that Fairy Yaoyao will come to Prince Chen's mansion soon. Please, general, madam, and gentlemen Immediately go there, and see the fairy."

General Tang exclaimed, "What did you say? Fairy Yaoyao is coming to Prince Chen's Mansion?"

Zhuye replied respectfully, "Yes, General, Fairy Yaoyao has already told the prince that she will come to the palace today, that's why the prince and concubine let the slaves come over to spread the word."

General Tang immediately stood up, his face couldn't hide his excitement, "Okay! Let's change clothes and go to Chenwang Mansion immediately."

General Tang's Mansion is not far from Prince Chen's Mansion, on the same street.

This street is called Fugui Street.

The people living on the whole street are either the royal relatives of the Tang Dynasty, or ministers of civil and military affairs above the third rank.

General Tang led a family of young and old towards the Chen Palace.

They can have the opportunity to meet Fairy Yaoyao with their own eyes, which is a blessing in itself!
(End of this chapter)

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