Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 879 Si Kou Yao’s Way of Repaying Gratitude 4

Chapter 879 Si Kou Yao’s Way of Repaying Gratitude 4
Gong Yu and Gong Qing also looked at their father Gong Chen.

Gong Chen smiled encouragingly at the brothers and sisters, "Go!"

Gong Yu and Gong Qing walked up to Si Kou Yao and showed her a shy smile, which made Si Kou Yao like her even more.

She reached out and touched the heads of Gong Yu and Gong Qing, and found that the two children had spiritual roots.

Si Kouyao happily said to Gong Chen, "Brother Gong, Gong Yu and Gong Qing both have spiritual roots to cultivate immortals. Would you like to let them worship me as a teacher and follow me to cultivate immortals?"

Both Gong Chen and Tang Huiniang were so excited that they almost jumped up, "Really? These two children really have the spiritual root of cultivating immortals?"

The other people also looked at Si Kou Yao brightly, with a kind of anticipation in their eyes.

Si Kou Yao smiled and nodded, "Really."

Gong Chen said happily, "You are willing to accept them as disciples, but it's too late for us to be happy. There's no reason why you don't want to."

He immediately said to Gong Yu and Gong Qing, "Yu'er, Qing'er, hurry up and kneel down to the fairy, after three prostrations and nine kowtows, you will offer tea to the fairy master!"

Gong Yu and Gong Qing both replied, "Yes! Father."

The clever servants hurriedly brought two futons to the two young masters, made the two young masters kneel down, bowed three times and kowtowed to Si Kou Yao, and immediately served hot tea, and asked the two young masters to respect Si Kou Yao. Tea.

Gong Yu served the tea first, and said crisply, "Master Fairy, please drink tea!"

Si Kou Yao took it, took a sip, and took out a spirit sword, a marrow washing pill, and a bottle of spirit gathering pill from the space for him.

"This is a gift from my teacher. The spirit sword cuts iron like mud, and it has spirituality. You need to drop your blood to recognize the master. After taking the pill of washing marrow, it can regenerate you, and the pill of gathering spirit can help you practice quickly. I hope that after you enter the sect, you will work hard to build an immortal foundation as soon as possible, embark on the immortal journey as soon as possible, and become an official disciple of the immortal sect."

After giving the gift to Gong Yu, Si Kouyao accepted Gong Qing's kneeling again, and then gave the same gift to Gong Qing.

She finally told Gong Yu and Gong Qing, "Yu'er, Qing'er, you have to remember that our fairy gate is called Sikou Palace."

Gong Yu and Gong Qing said together, "Master, we have remembered, Si Kou Hall, Si Kou Hall, Si Kou Hall..."

Si Kou Yao nodded with a smile, and introduced to them and the people present, "Our Si Kou Palace has disciples on many planets, adding up, there are at least tens of thousands of them, and my direct disciples are only eight, plus You brothers and sisters are a total of ten direct disciples. Your senior brothers and sisters entered the sect early, and their cultivation base is already very high, so after you two enter the sect, you must work hard!"

Gong Yu and Gong Qing said in unison, "Yes, Master, we have remembered."

Although they are not very old, they are all smart children. Moreover, the ancient children were more precocious than the modern children. They could understand what Si Kou Yao said and responded well.

Si Kou Yao also liked it more and more.

After Gong Yu and Gong Qing finished worshiping their teachers, Gong Chen continued to introduce his father-in-law to Si Kouyao, "Fairy, this is my father-in-law, Tang Boyao, the famous general of the Tang Dynasty and the great general who protects the country."

Tang Boyao also stepped forward respectfully and saluted Si Kouyao, "I have seen Fairy Yaoyao."

"This is my mother-in-law."

Mrs. Tang has a blessed face, and she is also kind. She usually believes in gods and Buddhas, so she is also very respectful to Si Kouyao, "I have seen fairies in my life."

(End of this chapter)

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