Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 881 In this life, let me protect you 1

Chapter 881 In This Life, Let Me Protect You 1
Yaoyao is so beautiful, she is so kind, and her ability is so powerful, will the new emperor do some bad things in order to keep her?
He knew very well how deep Si Kouyao's feelings for Xiao Chifeng were. If the new emperor really didn't know how to keep her, and wanted to use extreme methods to keep her, I'm afraid everyone would tear their faces, and they would not be friends, but enemies.

Of course, Gong Chen hoped very much, it was just that he was thinking too much.

The new emperor's name is Gong Xu, known as Emperor Xu.

Before Emperor Xu walked into the lobby, he just stood at the door, and he felt a powerful spiritual coercion coming towards him.

Emperor Xu, who had already coveted Si Kouyao, felt the warning contained in this spiritual coercion, and broke out in a cold sweat instantly.

Si Kouyao's coercion and warning not only made him feel the threat to his life, but also made him feel the huge difference between human beings and immortals.

Even if he is a noble emperor, he would not dare to act presumptuously in front of Si Kou Yao.

Emperor Xu took a deep breath before stepping in.

After walking in, he raised his eyes and saw a stunning beauty with a beautiful face sitting on the main seat.

She has icy muscles and fine bones, slender eyebrows that grow into the temples, bright eyes and white teeth, a pair of beautiful eyes like autumn water, flashing bright and moving light, and there is a momentum of calm and self-prestige.

Xu Di felt Si Kou Yao's beautiful eyes lightly sweeping towards him, and his heart throbbed suddenly, and he felt a faint feeling of fear towards her.

Xu Di instantly realized two facts:

First, this Fairy Yaoyao is really powerful!

Second, this Fairy Yaoyao is not something he can covet!

He is a very smart person. After receiving Si Kou Yao's warning, he immediately put away his thoughts that he shouldn't have, and honestly bowed respectfully to Si Kou Yao who was sitting in the chair, "My lord, Gong Xu, See Fairy Yaoyao."

Since Si Kouyao entered the gate of the Chen Palace, her mental power began to monitor the man's expression and reaction.

She understands the minds of these men very well. Generally, when a powerful man sees a beautiful or powerful woman, he always wants to take it as his own.

As an emperor who is used to entering the palace when he sees beautiful women, he feels that all the beauties in the world belong to him, and he thinks so even more.

Therefore, before he entered the lobby, Si Kouyao gave him a warning to wake him up.

Fortunately, this Emperor Xu is still a smart person, he put away his paws in an instant and respected her.

Gong Chen secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Emperor Xu put down his posture and did not dare to covet Si Kou Yao anymore.

Seeing Emperor Xu bowing to her, Si Kou Yao relaxed her attitude, and waved her hand slightly, "Emperor Xu doesn't need to be too polite, please sit down and talk!"

With the new emperor present, the other people did not dare to take their seats again. They all stood respectfully on both sides, bowing their heads and listening respectfully as if they were facing court.

Although Si Kouyao was a fairy in the past, she was very kind to Gong Chen's family, and she didn't put on airs. On the contrary, she was very kind to them, and gave everyone a very important greeting gift as soon as she sat down.

Therefore, Gong Chen's family and General Tang's family dared to sit down without any psychological burden.

But now Emperor Xu is the emperor on top of them, who is in charge of their jobs every day. If Emperor Xu doesn't make a sound, none of them dare to sit down.

(End of this chapter)

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