Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 884 In this life, let me protect you 1

Chapter 884 In This Life, Let Me Protect You 4
When Si Kouyao saw that Gong Chen had done it, she did the same.

The two smiled at each other.

In each other's eyes, they both saw gratitude to each other and to God, which allowed them to meet again in this different world, and also opened up the knots in their hearts.

The bamboo leaves hurriedly served Si Kou Yao and Gong Chenman again.

Si Kou Yao raised her wine glass again, and made a round of respects to the people around her.

"This cup, I respect everyone here, thank you for taking care of my beloved brother Gong Chen, especially Princess Chen, thank you for giving brother Gong Chen such a happy home, seeing that brother Gong Chen is so happy, I feel relieved Come on, this cup, let's do it together!"

Princess Chen originally saw Si Kouyao drinking with her husband and smiling at each other, feeling the tacit understanding between the two of them, she felt a little sour in her heart.

When she heard that Si Kouyao respected her by name and thanked her for bringing Gong Chen happiness, she couldn't help but secretly scolded herself for being narrow-minded and blindly jealous.

She quickly picked up the wine glass and saluted Si Kou Yao.

The others also hurriedly got up, clinked glasses with Si Kouyao, and shouted loudly together, "Come, come, let's do it together!"



Everyone laughed and did it all.

The bamboo leaves refilled the wine for everyone.

At this time, Emperor Xu also raised his wine glass, respected Si Kou Yao and said, "Fairy, on behalf of all the people of Tang Dynasty, I would like to welcome you to come to our Tang Dynasty to establish a school. I also borrow this glass of wine to congratulate you!" Fairies live forever, and they will succeed as soon as possible! This cup, I will do it first as a respect!"

"Thank you Emperor Xu!"

Si Kouyao also paid him a salute, and threw her head up.

Next, General Tang, First Young Master Tang, Second Young Master Tang, and San Young Master Tang came up to toast Si Kou Yao in turn.

Si Kou Yao also took them all.

Seeing that Si Kouyao has such a good capacity for drinking and looks like she will never get drunk after a thousand glasses, everyone praised her again.

A banquet, both the host and the guest are happy.

When it was time to leave, everyone was still reluctant to part.

Before leaving, Si Kouyao gave Emperor Xu a high-grade spirit sword, a bottle of health-preserving pills, and a box of spirit tea and spirit wine.

Xu Di heard that this health pill can guarantee him all diseases within ten years and prolong his life. He couldn't help being overjoyed, and thanked Si Kou Yao repeatedly, "Thank you for the gift of the fairy, thank you for the gift of the fairy!"

Now that he has benefited, he looks forward to Si Kou Yao's staying even more. Maybe there will be more benefits in the future. If he is given another pill of immortality to make him immortal, then he will be beautiful.

Of course, Emperor Xu also understood that he was just dreaming, so he might have the immortality pill. Even if Si Kou Yao had it, she might not give it to him with such a god-defying panacea.

Si Kouyao also gave General Tang a high-grade spirit sword, as well as a box of spirit tea and spirit wine, but she didn't give it to the other juniors.

If you give too much, the treasure comes too easily, so the value of the treasure will not be reflected, and people may not cherish it, and they will be grateful to you.

She will give them a little sweetness now, and when they really help her with their heart in the future, she will reward her according to their merits.

In this way, those people will understand that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Only those who sincerely follow her and are loyal to her can benefit, and there will be more and more people loyal to her.

Si Kouyao saw that the time was almost up, she finally said goodbye to Gong Chen, "Brother Gong, Princess, I have to leave, I leave this plane communicator to you..."

(End of this chapter)

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