Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 893 Danger Signal Before The Catastrophe 1

Chapter 893 Danger Signal Before The Catastrophe 1
The boss, Xiao Qingzhou, was in charge of answering, "I heard that there are abnormalities in several places across the country, and my father brought people to inspect and deal with them."

Si Kouyao was startled, and immediately asked, "What's wrong? Is it serious?"

The boss Xiao Qingzhou shook his head, "We don't know either. Dad hurried out after receiving the call. Mommy, why don't you call Dad for an interrogation."

Si Kou Yao nodded, "Okay, I'll call your father for questioning."

Si Kouyao took out the messenger and dialed Xiao Chifeng's number directly.

Once there, Xiao Chifeng immediately clicked on the holographic communication.

Seeing Si Kou Yao's background, he asked with surprise, "Yao Yao, are you back?"

Si Kou Yao looked at the handsome and stalwart man in the holographic image, and nodded with a gentle smile, "Well, I'm back, with the four little ones, where are you now?"

Xiao Chifeng looked at his beloved wife, and his joyful face instantly became serious, "Recently, in several places, villagers have been biting and killing people with excitement, Yaoyao, I have a bad premonition, and now I am leading people one by one I'll check the place and hope nothing happens."

He is in a very depressed mood now, and he finally looks forward to his beloved wife returning home, but because of work, he cannot see her in the first place.

However, Si Kou Yao's next words healed him immediately.

She said, "Then I'll go and have a look, and you send me the coordinates!"

Xiao Chifeng's gloomy handsome face turned bright instantly, and he grinned, "Great, then I'll wait for you to come over!"

As soon as Si Kouyao hung up the message, the four little babies surrounded her, hugging her thigh one by one and begging, "Mommy, Mommy, we want to go too!"

"Mommy, take us with you!"

"Mommy is the best. Our family hasn't been together for a long time, so you can take us with you!"

"Mommy, Mommy, are you okay? Are you okay? Mommy..."

Si Kouyao's forehead ached from being called by these four little babies, and she quickly raised her hands in surrender, "Oh, okay, okay, Mommy will take you there! But, you have to listen to Mommy, otherwise, Mommy won't take you there next time."

The four little babies responded in unison, "We promise to listen to Mommy!"

Then Si Kouyao summoned the air speeder and took the four babies with her. She was afraid that the travel of their mother and child would have too much impact on the outside world, so she made the air speeder invisible again, and then moved towards the coordinates sent by Xiao Chifeng. flew over.

The place where Xiao Chifeng is currently located is called Ancheng.

Ancheng is also a first-tier big city. It is the center of the Huatian Empire, and the flow of people is very dense. Most importantly, its geographical location is very critical, and it is an important city connecting the north and the south.

It is also a battleground for military strategists throughout the ages.

If any abnormality erupts among the people here, it will soon spread to the whole country.

Si Kouyao drove the flying car and arrived at Niujiao Village in Ancheng in less than half an hour.

Niujiao Village is an urban village.

The people living in this village are very complicated. Not only are there many foreigners, but also chickens and ducks, thieves and criminals, etc. People with a little better general conditions will not choose to live here.

And the reason why Xiao Chifeng's arrival here is alarmed is because there were two murders in this village within a week, one of which was a massacre where all six members of a family were hacked to death with knives by villagers from the same village.

(End of this chapter)

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